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Friday, June 24, 2022

ATTENTION (edited)

Please notice that 80+ percent of all comments have nothing to do with what was posted. Many are Ad Hominem attacks on me that will cause those who perpetrate them to descend into the lower Four Worlds. There are many new commenters. This afternoon, I will respond to everyone, save when the comment has nothing to do with the post. A glaring example is my posts on the Komeito, the "Clean" Government Party. The main point is that anyone who follows either Daisaku Ikeda, the High Priest, Reverend Ryuei, Katie, Andy, Dave, Tim, Greg, Jerry, or I is NOT a Bodhisattva of the Earth. Only those who follow the Gohonzon, the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin is a Bodhisattva of the Earth. I must conclude here that I am not superior, least of all to the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren. This blog is how I perceive the state of the world and the Nichiren community. I believe that the SGI protests too much so what i opine about them must be true. It seems, for the last month, the main focus has been whether all who chant the Daimoku are worthy of the greatest respect. There are two facets to this. Nichiren Daishonin says an emphatic NO! Second, Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, Honmon Butsuryu, many independents, and even the "universalist" Nichiren Shu, also say, NO, not everyone who chants the Daimoku is worthy of the greatest respect. They call me a coward but it is they, especially the Soka Gakkai members who are the cowards for not confronting and admonishing their leaders for depreciating and slandering the Nichiren Shoshu and Nichiren Shu priests and members (if they really believe that everyone who chants is worthy of the greatest respect). Meanwhile they come here and recently, one after another, attack me, one man with little power and influence for pointing out that their leaders and members admonish and slander all those who are not Soka Gakkai. Were they to confront their leaders they would be busted down to Junior Group Chiefs, general members or, if they were to persist, they would be excommunicated. Here, in public, they are kumbaya, I'm OK your OK but in private, in the guidances given, only Soka Gakkai members who chant Daimoku are worthy of the greatest respect. Nichiren has this to say in Letter to Matsuno or the Fourteen Slanders Gosho:

"The Buddha stated that, in the latter age, monks and nuns with the hearts of dogs would be as numerous as the sands of the Ganges.3 By this he meant that the priests and nuns of that day would be attached to fame and fortune. Because they wear robes and surplices, they look like ordinary priests and nuns. But in their hearts they wield a sword of distorted views, hastening here and there among their patrons and filling them with countless lies so as to keep them away from other priests or nuns. Thus they strive to keep their patrons to themselves and prevent other priests or nuns from coming near them, like a dog who goes to a house to be fed, but growls and springs to attack the moment another dog approaches. Each and every one of these priests and nuns is certain to fall into the evil paths. Being the scholar that he is, Nichigen must have read this passage in the sutra. His unusual consideration and frequent visits to me and my disciples are deeply appreciated.

Since Daisaku Ikeda considers all the lay leaders and members of the Soka Gakkai "as the only true priests", this passage certainly refers to them.

Again, I offer actual proof that it is they, the SGI members who come here and Katie who are in the Lower Four Worlds, particularly, the Worlds of Animality and Anger.


  1. SGI = the poison drum relationship. sgi/nst - wonderful caring people until one opens ones eyes and see's their ridiculous program. then mean and petty. certainly not buddhism.

  2. But haha
    You have only proven you still consider yourself superior -
    Been bodhisattva- ing all night
    You and your assigning others to “ lower worlds”
    What a hoot!!!
