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Monday, June 20, 2022

Komeito's Toyama INDICTED and more recent Komeito scandal

Komeito's Toyama INDICTED by Delbert Grady 6 months ago:

I've written earlier this year about star Komeito politician Kiyohiko Toyama's fall from grace (links below), but he has now been indicted by the Tokyo District Court's Special Prosecutors Department for accepting bribery. He is being charged for using his political influence to pull strings on behalf of friendly corporations applying for pandemic aid, then accepting kick-backs.

Toyama has commented, "I take the matter very seriously, and as a public figure I deeply apologize. I will fully cooperate with the prosecution with all sincerity." Komeito's secretary general Keiichi Ishii has issued a statement: "Mr. Toyama has since resigned his position, but this is totally unacceptable and unforgivable as Komeito lawmaker. I acknowledge the severity of this breach of public trust, and I deeply apologize to supporters, fellow party members, and all citizens."

Graduate of Soka University, Toyama had been hailed as "Komeito's Great Hope" since the late 90's - he served in Shinzo Abe's Cabinet as Deputy Minister of Finance - and the shock to the party and the Soka membership cannot be overstated. Of course, we shan't be judgmental because after all "we're all in the process of human revolution" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tokyo Shimbun article:

My earlier reports on Toyama:

More recent Komeito scandal:

On the heels of the Toyama scandal, a Komeito headquarters staff was fired on June 15 when it came to light that he had been uploading his own sex videos onto his public Twitter account. Responding to an inquiry by the Shukan Bunshun magazine, Nobutaka Onuma commented that he "didn't know it was illegal" and that he assumed "Twitter would take it down if it's problematic." The 40-year-old is a Gakkai thoroughbred who attended the Soka School System & earned his degree at Soka University's School of Education. Last year he ran for a seat in the Tokyo Metropolitan Electoral District but lost. Noting that the videos had actually been uploaded before that election, the Komeito Public Relations Department apologized in their 6/15 statement for not having fully vetted their candidate. If convicted, Onuma could face up to two years in prison.

It goes without saying, though, that we shouldn't judge the man...I mean we're all in the process of human revolution aren't we? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Delbert Grady lives in Japan and is fluent in Japanese



    Mark Rogow lives in the U.S. and supported Trump !

    Always pointing fingers at others>
    Not a Buddhist teaching :-(

  2. lol! yes !!
    daimoku works!
    yet another former participant here--
    and speaks out.
    you go girl!!
    love your spirit

  3. Mark never fully supported trump and now he knows better, katie. Considering the cowardly, sleazy corporate democrats, how could he know? We all know hes a Nazi for sure now but, there is really no democracy in the usa or Japan, Katie. The Komeito, is a wing of the sleazy, racist ldp. They are nukists too. You have no leg to stand on and, little mentation for discernment

  4. The Komeito and LDP are militarism gascists and racist like trump. They want more nuke plants a and nuke bombs. Everybody I Japan hates Komeito.
    Trumps fascist court is destroying America. Gerrymandering and electing key Secretaries of state, for states who determine who votes are already taken over. Trumps fascist supreme court is insuring the coup goes through.
    It would be hard to design a president destined to tank his party’s support base more than Biden. Even Hillary probably couldn’t have done a more-comprehensive job of it. Deliberately frustrating progressives, vilifying the opposition and majority of working and middle class who are suffering so badly. These elitist fools who have already been threatened with death and yet they are futilely trying to impress conservatives who are now extremist fascists.
    Musk pulled a fascist a coup in Bolivia for lithium. Later people rose up and put the coup plotter in prison.
    If trump had done a coup attempt like jan6 2020, in france, Germany or Australia,he would already be in prison. Him.and his violent fascist offenders openly threatened to hang pence , Biden and pelosi but, these people are not rational.pense or Biden, or.pelosi or any of them. They are so esconsed with money and arrogant with priviledge and power that they are virtually insane.
    Biden and the encrusted corporatists are aiding and abetting the fascist coup, as the old corrupt centrists in Weimar Germany did, before the Nazis seized power and started their killing machine which included the centrists and corporatists. Sad that u r not getting it. Biden has continuously assailed the middle class and blacks and women with his credit card debacles and.lies and incarceration nation for years . they will serve him.up as a scape goat as the rampage of terror continues

  5. The USA and japan, are the two countries that treat their citizens the.most like trash, to be discarded. The USA fallout victims The.japanese fukushima victims. Tepco, the LDP and komeito kill the Japanese people, for money through fukushima. . The american sociopathic politicians on both sides do the same to Americans.
    Remember propaganda is lies enduring. We are getting hammered with it in the USA.
    The neocon, bidenists are all in, on Ukraine. Neocon, neoliberal. War-monger-democrats and, Attorney general-garland, is in Ukraine talking about Russian war crimes, instead of prosecuting Trump’s very treasonous coup attempt Jan 6 2020. Its so deranged, that it is barely comprehendable. Garland is in Ukraine, instead of putting trump in jail.

    Oh well. When the EXTREMIST republicans win in 2022 and 2024 BECAUSE, OF THE corporate and old corrupt millionaire democrats like Pelosi ,clyburn, steny hoyer, feinstein, biden, the other crook DEMOCRATS like sinema and munchen these fools, will have no place to hide. The two faced warmongers and corporatists.
    The Republican extremists will probably drag the old crew of blue dog democrats and, many new ones, through the STREETS AND HANG them LIKE THEY THREATENED TO DO JAN 6 2020.

    Biden, has hired a Republican to cut social security and Medicare and increase Medicare premiums. Biden cut the child tax credit
    He is allowing inflation to go rampant while 77 percent of America hugs poverty. Biden has given 10s of billions to neo- Nazi-ukrainians threatening donbass. Billions for weapons. Billions to musk, who pays no taxes and is a massive govt welfare pig . That is, while American children starve. 288 billion, musk is worth. He.pays no taxes. So evil, its hard to process. The lies. The betrayal. The lack of leadership and representation. The cognitive dissonance, as biden pushes for Nazi dogs and corporatists to be back in power.
    Republican leader Rick Scott, who is worth $255,000,000 and has introduced a GOP plan to raise taxes on the working class while making tax cuts for the rich permanent, just said Americans “are the most spoiled people on Earth.”

    90% of Republicanism is repeating patterns of abuse learned from abusive authoritarian parents, and 10% is kink and shame.

    The Supreme Court literally, just said greasing the hands of politicians is protected speech and now it seems that boycotts are going to be in the not-protected-speech category.

    Faced with unrest, the industrialists turned to authoritarians, fascists, and Nazis in order to protect their wealth and power in Hitler’s francos and.mussolinis run up to power.

    We don’t like to talk about it, but those elites literally powered these genocidal authoritarian movements. And they’ll do it again.

  6. I spoke with Mark about Trump- here on EP in 2016 and talked with him on the phone a few times.
    I don’t believe meaningful discussions happen here , and I regret it took me s long to see who Mark is-
    Internet “ relationships” lack substance, the actual sound of the human voice does the Buddha’s work.
    One,s mind is reflected in their words.
    One’s faith is reflected in their behavior.
    I ticked all three boxes for Mark !
    We the people … in order to form a more perfect union….
    I’m engaged with people toward these ideals.
    This blog was just another obstacle - for me.
    Lessons learned.
    Deeply appreciated.
    ~ Katie
