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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Lauren comments in post, My goodness...SGI members have crawled out of the woodwork to castigate me.

"Proved my point, bro. for starters. Either show your face in SGI, or perhaps do the decent honest thing and stop speaking for thousands of members you don’t know. For starters , bro." Lauren

Response: In 1996, I set up a table outside the New York Community Center with anti-SGI literature and Kempon Hokke Sutra Books and asked for a meeting with David Kasahara. Many members were interested in what I had to say but 3 YMDs came out and told me to move away from the center or they would call the police. I got into my car which was right in front of the center [hehe I thought only top SGI senior leaders are able to find a parking space directly in front of the New York Kaikan] and told them, "You are cowards and poor disciples of the Buddha of the Modern Age."

The SGI top leaders with whom I requested a formal debate all refused with various excuses. Ian Mcilraith, David Kasahara, Al Albergate, Gerry Hall, and Greg Martin are all cowards.

Soka Gakkai has numerous manuals for leaders including a Code of Conduct for Leaders, it has its published bylaws, has a national and international website, has many blogs, is on Dharma wheel and reddit. Here is the example of your cult Code of Conduct for Leaders.

All SGI members proclaim, "I am a Buddha". Actual Buddhas don't need a Code of Conduct because Buddhas behavior is faultless. The SGI religion has no power to create nBuddhas so they have a Code of Conduct.

SGI Code of Conduct for SGI leaders or "Real Buddhas don't need no stinkin' code of conduct."

SGI-USA Code of Conduct for Leaders

In recognition of our shared commitment to spread the Mystic Law throughout the world for the sake of peace and the happiness of all humankind; to proudly carry out kosen-rufu activities based on the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple exemplified by the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai; and to resolutely protect the harmonious unity of the SGI; in recognition of the great opportunity and responsibility to serve the precious Bodhisattvas of the Earth in the SGI-USA; in recognition of my mission to nurture the faith of those entrusted to my care on behalf of SGI President Ikeda; in recognition of the impact, both positive and negative, that my behavior can have on the faith and unity of my fellow practitioners; I am determined to live up to the standards of leadership and highest standards of conduct as described in the 2008 Leadership Manual, and agree specifically to:

* Contribute to harmonious unity based on dialogue and respecting the opinions of others and, in particular, men respecting the opinions of women;

* Abide by the guidance and activity guidelines of the SGI and participate in and promote the kosen-rufu activities of the SGI, including, but not limited to, propagation, publications and contributions;

* Study and apply the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and the guidance of SGI President Ikeda to deepen my faith and understanding of Nichiren Buddhism;

* Respect the dignity of each person, neither condoning nor engaging in discriminatory language and/or behavior toward any member based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political views or any other distinction;

* Refrain from using religious activities to involve the organization or its members in political activities, recognizing that I, as an individual, may freely engage in political activities;

* Restrict my leadership role to my assigned organizational responsibility—not giving direction in organizational matters to members in other organizational units—and connect members to their direct organizational leaders and never promote exclusive relationships between members and any leader, including myself;

* Not use my organizational relationships to promote any personal business interests or engage in the borrowing or lending of money among members;*

* Not engage in or condone sexual misconduct;*

* Not violate the privacy and confidentiality of members;* and

* Not engage in any other behavior that disrupts the harmonious unity of the SGI or disturbs the faith and practice of its members.*

If I were to bet "bro", I know more about SGI and SGI members than you do.


  1. You lose, dude.
    I don’t believe I’m a Buddha , but I know I possess the Buddha nature and believe my fellow members do too.
    You’re funny about rules or codes of behavior . I mean , you do whatever you please and imagine everyone in SGI follows rules and codes?
    I think you’re going around challenging everyone to formal debates is kind of intimidating to believers who grew up in a non Buddhist country. Then watching how you act here with your authority , slamming the authority you think the SGI had. More irony . Just learned you set up your table 24 years ago.
    Hey dude, I bet you haven’t figured out how your own attitude and behavior causes people to doubt you care about anything but yourself.

  2. Actually we know a lot more about your arrogance and grudges!
    Watch Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony at January 6th hearing yesterday for pointers on courage and eloquence.
    When you treat people with contempt your message is lost.
    Nichiren emphasized respectful discussion of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. You appear to harbor hatred for people and hold yourself up as the expert. I agree tho that leaving SGI was the right move for you.

  3. Clearly you don’t know what is happening or how members practice together in SGI-
    You don’t have first hand real time info and when you receive that , what do you do?
    Ridicule the messenger.
    Don’t recognize you as a credible source or even a sincere investigator. So what drives your ceaseless attacks ?
    We’re practicing the essential teaching and don’t criticize the way you apply the teachings you share, BUT, you are not taking any relevant cultural facts into consideration, and it does appear you criticize the clear teachings on the essential phrase— for the “ ignorant” in this degenerate age!
    You attack people who have converted to Nichiren Buddhism saying we are ignoring vital teachings . Huh?
    I am totally confident in my understanding that believers should be the last to abuse each other, and that none of us should judge each other’s faith so long as we continue to chant.
    Challenging even leaders to formal debates ?that is not in the Gosho , where formal debates were promoted by Nichiren only for his disciples and only against schools who abandoned the Lotus Sutra.
    You come along and claim you are a disciple and others chanting are slanderers and claim because no one wants this to agree to a formal public debate, you are right and they are wrong. I think that any leader who accepted your challenge would be going against Nichiren, who strongly encouraged followers to transcend differences with daimoku.
    Tho you will be angered by my conclusion, I am not alone seeing your actions as violations of, not upholding Nichiren’s teachings.

    1. "And so, when I, neither hesitating to speak out nor fearing others, tell them frankly that they are stupid persons who have misunderstood the true meaning of the Buddhist teachings, and that they are slanderers of the Law; when I deliver a sharp rebuke to them, mindful of the Buddha’s golden words "then that monk is betraying Buddhism" and trusting in the passage of scripture that reads, "We will be envoys of the World Honored One, facing the assembly without fear"; when I do this, censuring those who "suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart," then how can they fail to turn upon me with hatred and jealousy?"(The Teachings in Accordance With the Buddha's Mind).
      "Although I try to point out that this country is full of people who would like to do away with the Lotus Sutra, no one understands me, and so they merely go on committing errors of stupidity. And now, in addition, a votary of the Lotus Sutra has made his appearance, so that the people of Japan, on top of their stupidity, give way to anger, favoring erroneous teachings and viewing the correct teaching with hatred. In a country where the three poisons [of greed, anger and stupidity] prevail to such a degree, how can there be peace and stability?" (The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings). gregorio

  4. Hope u OK doc. Unknown il chant name myoho Range known for u

  5. I hope you are OK Dr rohow

  6. Hoped Dr rogow would be back. Sad times

  7. Replies
    1. dr rogow is fine...his faith in the three great secret laws does not waver. gregorio

    2. dr rogow is fine , in spite of the fact that society has become disordered and the sprits have run rampant(crazy). gregorio

  8. drinking/reading poison....knowing it is poison = stupid ! associating with poison peddlers = stupid.
    no thanks - gregorio
