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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sincerely, Katie. Please ask nicely for the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu (your members and friends) to create unity your way, after all, they both chant Nam Myoho renge kyo

Shakubuku is the way Katie. My way is that we all embrace the same three Great Secret Laws, Three Treasures, and they stop embracing Shingon principles,


  1. There is already unity amongst many believers. I put 100% faith in daimoku, Mark. I share from my study when it is sought, and I share sources as well.
    Why not share the unity you are creating with your method ?
    ~ Katie

  2. Patronizing a sincere believer is just one more example of the sad effects of “ your way”- you act as you think —- and hopefully today you’ll realize you are not “ enlightened” ?
    Over the past 6 years reading your blog, and through personal contact with you( and 2 of your “ friends”, who have known you for years , I honestly don’t see any “ exemplary human behavior “ on your part , but rather a rigid self absorbed stance that blinds you to the Buddha in others. Your disrespectful gossip threads and personal slights, even animosity towards me, Greg and Jerry are beyond the pale —
    As for unity via your way ? Well you have a grievance, grudge and gossip following — no evidence of seeing the Buddha in anything but your own life / family/ environment - which has attracted other self centered folks who spend most of their time on the internet -
    Why do I read/ post HERE? Because despite the ease with which you could communicate with me directly , you just can’t do what is considered “ reasonable”—
    Be that as it may….
    You are best at “ getting rid “ of those who hold different beliefs/ views. — in other words, the exact opposite of building unity. But strikingly similar to tactics some SGI leaders use to dispose of “ detractors “— though definitely not to the degree you’ve perfected !
    Looks like what you resisted, you became.

  3. While you sound off about your attachment to doctrinal debate and continue to mock any sincere believer who isn’t persuaded by your “ preaching” , the unity required to protect our children lives and our democracy as well as actual proof of personal growth and success is driving the heartfelt prayers of ordinary people who recite and embrace Myoho renge kyo —- supporting youth, and people of good will is what unites us and drives our daimoku and our actions.
    Actual proof of the power of unity based on daimoku - unity for the sake of the wellbeing of others, for creative solutions and tireless efforts to achieve shared goals ; unity that bears fruit is the most compelling display of the power of many in body chanting the Mystic Law.
    You’ve got nothing to show for your way but personal gain and this blog- You practice for yourself -attracting other self centered folks and losing the interest of sincere bodhisattvas of the earth.
    I think you haven’t yet figured out that the daimoku is already perfect and believers are precious. We’re all doing our best — differences arise with regard to personal intent and agenda. Your agenda just doesn’t look special or unique- your chat room looks like every other disinformation bubble on the internet.
    ~ Katie

  4. Everyone is precious because all sentient beings have the Buddha-nature. That didn't stop Nichiren (or me) from correcting wrong thought. Those who chant the Daimoku and seriously study the Lotus Sutra and authentic writings of Nichiren have come to many of the SAME CONCLUSIONS as Nichiren, for example, Nichiju, Nikko, Nikkyo the Martyr, the other five Senior priests (mostly), Nisshin, Lady Nichinyo, Shijo Kingo, Toki Jonin, the members of the Original Fuju Fuse sect, the Original Jumonryu (Original Kempon Hokke), Gregorio Romero, Anthony Elmore, Sifu Chamberlain, Sinyou Tsuchiya, Reverend Yasahara and many others dead and alive

    That i am vocal on this blog about the wrong thought of others, those who follow the person rather than the Law and those of the other misleading false religious faiths is my way of repaying my debt of gratitude to the Lotus Sutra, Eternal Buddha, Nichiren and all sentient beings.

  5. You fail to establish relationships that would foster learning and realization.
    You chastise people who aren’t even reading your blog. And I know you have censured Katie.I’ve read many of her replies that you did not post because you prefer your autocratic forms of pseudo dialogue where you arrogantly use your own essays as teachings to be studied.
    You use a mega phone to irresponsibly incite and foster negative impressions of anyone who disagrees with you.
    I’ve been reading Nichiren for 40 years. You are not emulating his approach to correcting anyone.
    Not knowing a thing about me, you have demeaned me here at least three times. How can you support your behavior with scripture ? Only by banking on the fact that most believers have not read the entirety of authentic writings and more importantly have no understanding of the history of Buddhism and the climate of the Kamakura period in Japan. You’re in effect using sound bytes to incite and fuel divisions and worse , to mock and ridicule those of us who have studied with the same passion Nichiren did.
    You have 1st amendment rights. You don’t have supporters tho. People who gave some credence to your battle anthem wake up and move away from your screed filled blog. A few challenge you and you play games here manipulating the discourse . Evidence in writing. Archives full of names who once agreed with you. now just Greg remains in your camp after demoralizing Katie for questioning his belief in conspiracy theories. Still, you persist and double down on your hateful rhetoric and exploit Greg’s weakness to widen the divide. Nichiren would never respond to his followers the way you respond to HIS followers. Anyone can see that by simply reading the Gosho themselves and not relying on your cherry picked out of context sound bytes.
    This is my admonishment for what I have first hand knowledge of. This is my responsibility in action as a follower of Nichiren who takes seriously: uphold and protect the Law. Protecting youth from slandering , speaking negatively about Nichiren Buddhism, means tangible expression of exemplary behavior and warning them about arrogant false sages who promote themselves as “ the ONLY one following Nichiren” while acting as adversaries of other believers.
    Your blog is a teaching tool for now. So gratitude for all living beings lives in the hearts of those of us who care so deeply about the welfare of our youth.

    1. For some one who has been reading (not necessarily studying). Nichiren for 40 years, you really can't study the teachings. However, you have learned your "bull baiting" lessens well from the Ikeda cult. My supporters are the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the universe, especially Nichiren. Nichiren also called his enemies, "beasts, barking dogs, worms, bats, monkeys double-fire (Ryokan)," and worse. Here is what Nichiren teaches about the Lotus Sutra:

      "In Tung-ch’un we read: “Question: While the Buddha was in the world, there were many who were resentful and jealous. But in the age after his passing, when someone preaches this [Lotus] sutra, why do so many oppose that person? Answer: It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] p.241Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists76 demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.”

      I don't want anyone to follow me. Were anyone to follow me we would both go into hell. Follow the Eternal Buddha (Lotus Sutra) and Nichiren alone. As far as those who share the same views about the slanderers of the Lotus Sutra who chant the Daimoku and the causes of disunity, I am far from alone.

    2. You really can't discuss (not study) the teachings.

    "how great is the difference between the blessings received when a sage chants the daimoku and the blessings received when we chant it" to reply, one is in no way superior to the other. the gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man possesses; a fire made by a fool is the same as a fire made by a wise man. HOWEVER, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra".(wnd756)
    the sgi and its parent nst are in big trouble.
