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Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Twenty Important Principles of the Lotus Sutra according to Tientai


  1. Giving the prophecy of enlightenment in near future to the men of the two vehicles (chap. 3)
  2. Showing (or Opening ) Buddha's original enlightenment and his immeasurable life span (chap 16)
  3. Praising that benefits that will accrue even to the fiftieth person who rejoices upon hearing of it (chap 18)
  4. Persons who merely hear the name the Lotus Sutra may attain Buddhahood in this lifetime (chap 17)
  5. Shakyamuni showing that Devadatta was his teacher in a past life (chap 12)
  6. Manjushiri showing that the eight-year-old dragon king's daughter was his student in a past life (chap 12)
  7. The promise that anyone who hears only one phrase of the LS shall attain Buddhahood (chap 10)
  8. Anyone who protects the name of the LS will receive innumerable benefits (chap 26)
  9. Women who hear the chapter of Medicine King shall never be reborn as women (chap 23)
  10. Anyone who hears, reads and recites the LS shall know neither old age nor death (chap 23)
  11. Those who carry out five practices shall get to the stage of resemblance to enlightenment (chap 19)
  12. Those who carry out the four Peaceful Practices shall get into copper-wheel in their dream (chap 14)
  13. Those who vex or trouble the practitioners of the LS will have their heads split into seven pieces (chap 26)
  14. Those who give alms to the practitioners of the LS will enjoy good fortune surpassing the ten honorific titles (chap 10)
  15. Among the sutras Shakyamuni has preached, now preach, and will preach, the LS is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand. (chap 11)
  16. Offering ten similes to praise the teachings of the LS. (chap 23)
  17. Maitreya not knowing any single one of Bodhisattvas of the Earth. (chap 15)
  18. The Omen of Lotus in the east which even Manjushiri didn't understand (chap 24)
  19. Teaching major world system dust particle kalpas to bodhisattvas of the theoretical teaching. (chap 07)
  20. Giving a metaphor of numberless major world system dust particle kalpas to show the original enlightenment (chap 16)


  1. Here come multiple lengthy posts to bury the posts with comments you dismiss!
    Chas tactic-- ARBN. :(
    Copy/Paste- repeat!
    But, no discussion of the "teachings" because you show only contempt for other believers.
    Marty raised a question I'd like to know the answer to:
    After 19 years in SGI who amongst the many members and leaders you encountered, shared your views?
    And, how does your abandonment of all of your members show your compassion for "sick children", since that is what you call anyone who doesn't agree with you?
    And pray tell, what does yours and Greg's kosen rufu look like? Actually, I know pretty much what Greg's circumstances are and from what you've shared, it seems that unlike Nichiren's own disciples, your lots are not exemplary of growth and advancement, but have become what you call "actual proof" of following Nichiren- isolation and humble, precarious circumstances.
    If there was such great unity and true faith between you and "your small band of followers" a few years back, why did your temple project fizzle and fail? Neither of you "self proclaimed disciples of Nichiren" have much in common with the originals-- like Shijo Kingo, for example.
    All who practice assiduously encounter agonizing ordeals and obstacles, but also show amazing good fortune for persevering... become more compassionate, tolerant, capable people--Why not you and Greg?
    Please "discuss" ... how you behavior and life achievements reflect your adherence to the "True Teachings"!

  2. No reply at all…

    1. Our Kosen rufu looks like the Lotus Sutra's and Nichiren's because we follow the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, not Ikeda and his Human Revolution, "the Gosho for modern times".

      The list is extensive of who I had known as a YMD district, chapter, and headquarters leader and MD District Chief: Greg Martin, Mr. Kasahara, Ethan Gelbaum, Tariq Hassan, Mr Hamada, Mr. Kikimura, Danny Nakashima, Mr. Kaneda, Mr. Nakajima (Italian general directors), Mr. Mignote (Vice Italian Director), nearly every New York YMD leader and most of the Headquarters and Chapter leaders and members in the Bronx, and many leaders and members in Long Island. Every last one is deluded because they follow Daisaku Ikeda and not Nichiren daishonin.
