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Monday, June 20, 2022

WOW Marty and Tanya, please see what Katie really thinks of your mentor

Katie: 5) Your arguments are based on falsehoods.

Mark: Show us.

Katie: Your stating that I am defaming believers is inaccurate. I am defaming human devils like Ikeda and you.

Mark: Your defaming of Ikeda is correct. Defaming me, one who only promotes the Myoho renge kyo, Gohonzon, Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, and Nichiren will cause your head to split into seven pieces.


  1. Oops!
    You misunderstood my point.
    I quoted YOU - that statement above is in your post, BTW.
    I point out that you are , in fact, defaming fellow believers , which you apparently cannot stop doing !
    FYI you cannot create animosity between believers who know each other - face to face, life to life. And fortunately, Marty and Tanya can read.
    Your agenda is obvious.
    ~ Katie

    1. Hey Mark- you have attributed your words to Katie!
      She quotes YOU in her response.
      Please show a modicum of decency and correct yourself!
      BTW- Katie’s written response to Boston Region Leaders September 2012, is an admonition against their having ignored President Ikeda’s guidance backed up by quotes from speeches by Sensei in Boston !
      Her issues were about the organization here , NOT the teachings.
      She has more in common with Andy of IRG, except her heart, not her brilliant mind is grounded in faith in Myoho Renge Kyo. I think Andy stopped practicing .
      I’ve know Katie for 25 years. She is a precious jewel.
      She isn’t an attack dog like your dwindling following has been.
      So, I’d say your perceptions are once again on display as way off!
      Life to life, face to face, heart to heart bonds originally as comrades in SGI are eternal as the Buddha promises!
      She’s actual proof that it is the heart that matters most.
      ~ Marty

    2. Pardon me, who can follow so many comments from Katie. I apologize for attributing to Katie what i proclaimed. The comment by me stands however. Both Ikeda and Katie are human devils. She is a precious jewel who defends the indefensible (SGI and its mentor-disciple is slander). She is a damaged gem with many inclusions. She, is complicit in your slander of the Law and the Buddha. You will NOT attain Buddhahood through the Soka Gakkai faith for a long long time. Don't say that i didn't warn you Marty. The IRG too had little to do with the Buddha Way. They were more interested in the pyramidal authoritarian structure of the SGI than your inclusion of Shingon Esoterism, Yuiga Yoga or Guru Yoga or your inclusion of Zen Bushido into the pure and perfect teaching. Have you never heard, "follow no matter what" in the SGI Marty? That is Zen, not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren.

  2. according to the teacher for the latter day , nichiren , deigned by Shakyamuni Buddha, there are two main reasons why people make serious mistake in the faith and practice of buddism...1. they are ignorant of the real teaching, 2. they follow a bad leader. also , deep slander stains the heart.

    sgi needs to realize buddhism should not be mixed with christianity, or anything else - apologize , subdue your arrogance , make a fresh start. shakubuku = break and subdue. break your attachments to wrong thought and subdue your own ego/arrogance. otherwise, you will not be able to help anyone.

    1. Maybe you’re the one with attachments to wrong thought who needs to subdue your arrogance/ego?
      At the very least, realize you cannot engage in discussion. You actually resort to cheap shots and verbal abuse over and over. If you were confident and “acting” in accordance with the Sutra’s intent, you wouldn’t be stooping so low to trash fellow believers, gregorio.

  3. question for sgi culties. I expect no serious reply. how does ikedas or any sgi leader/menbers life mirror nichirens or Shakyamuni buddhas?
