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Friday, October 28, 2022

There is no gaslighting in True Buddhism: A YMD senior leader writes me and my response:

A YMD senior leader writes me and my response:

"How are you Mark? I hope you are winning in your life? Winning means winning over the 'lesser self' that has time to try to point out some negatives in their external environment or tries to point out the shortcomings of others - even where there are none! Winning is about becoming selfless in the support of others toward tangible world peace. Wisdom, Courage and Compassion (our innate Buddha Nature). Ikeda Sensei has dedicated his entire life to world peace (the proof is always in the pudding and nobody can deny the facts from actual proof). I am such a proud Member of SGI, an emancipated individual who constantly turns poison into medicine in my life and supports others toward their own, unique, beautiful personal inner transformation (human revolution). I am a stand alone 21st Cenury Buddha and I am so grateful for the efforts of the 3 founding Presidents of the Soka Gakkai who stood up with courage against Japans 'thought police' and shared the highest teaching of the Buddha with the world so each person can awaken themselves from the deep sleep of ignorance and emancipate themselves. It is such an incredible eternal journey. Wishing you indestructible happiness and good fortune throughout eternity Buddha Rogow, Nam myoho renge kyo" -- Unknown (of course)

Response to unknown:

I'm fine. I deny it (that Ikeda is a Bodhisattva of the Earth) and hundreds of thousands of people, likewise, denied it with their feet. Earning literally billions for performing the same work that the Bodhisattvas of the earth do for free and a layman. You are in a cult of personality and can not see the eye brows in front of your face. Next you will claim that because of the SGI the nuclear states will disarm, "surely within 20 years thanks to the SGI". You'all couldn't even protect the Sho Hondo with literally TRILLIONS of Daimoku and a photo of Sho Hondo on every altar. You know nothing about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Keep your head into the rectum of Shinichi Yamamoto and I will keep my head into the hearts of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. The Guru is a Shingon and Hindu concept. You are an embarrassment. Your interfaith initiatives is treachery against the Gohonzon and Nichiren. You have zero credibility. How wrong you are about your Sensei. How wrong you are just about everything. Nichiren teaches that a true priest is hated, not adored, by every two bit dictator, yet your "Sensei" will suck up to anyone, NEVER uttering the lion's roar. You probably don't even know what I am talking about. I guess the appellation "Ikedabot" is true. Whatsmore, you go on dreaming, "I am Shinichi Yamamoto" while I will go on, "I am Nichiren and the Eternal Buddha." How dare you to debase the highest teaching. Your top Japanese Senior Leech Leaders should above all get a job, you must immediately take the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren as your role models, stop your slanderous interfaith, chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, and get a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon because obviously, your Nichikan Gohonzon CAN NOT serve as a mirror. You talk benefits but you are blind. You fail to have the ideas of a Buddha. You sir are an icchantika. Let me share with you the teachings of Nichiren. A wise man will ascribe blame to the perpetrator, never to the innocent of any fault. You have it all backwards. Do you know what Nichiren says about those who have a different Three Treasures than he? They are great slanderers. Do you know what he says about those who profess, we are Buddhas? They lack wisdom.


  1. if one pledges allegiance to SGI(Ikeda), there is no way they can follow the teacher for the latter day, nichiren. the world today is the slanders mirror. wake up ! the world is far worse than it was when NSA first landed.

  2. ha ha...yeah, like all cults, SGI/NST love you as long as you are doing their program and promoting their program and not asking too many questions about how things really are. example...where does all the money go? try this, when you are penniless , ask for a loan or maybe a draw on all the money you have given. Truth, all cults end badly. gregorio

  3. Chant for peace in yourself and the world. Chant from your own heart. Only the bearer of that heart, knows where the peace is, not an outside influence. Malice begets more malice. It hurts the bearer. By bestowing peace and empathy, peace can grow. Follow the eight fold path. We are in need of it now. I have cut myself off, from the turmoil of upset, and influence for 5 days and chanted for peace. It is bearing fruit. There is no winner if your personal world breaks down, or there is general turmoil. No winners in war, really. Chant for personal peace and show people that peace is more rewarding than hate and anger, then there's a chance. A sensei can't show you that.

    1. anonymous... I joined NSA/sgi in the summer of '67. . I was a headquarter leader when I left the sgi in "87. nichiren, the teacher for the latter day, ordained by the eternal shayamuni...strictly teachers.."do not mix this MYOHO RENGE KYO with anything else. In Japan sgi/nst has mixed the real teaching with predatory buddhist teaching(Shingon/true word etc) in america /europe sgi/nst has mixed with mostly christian thought. the Buddha said the prepatory teachings , once the L S appears ...become poison. "don't follow the person" . this means follow the teachings and the eternal buddha and his teacher for the latter day. you will encounter obstacles but enlightenment is assured. chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and follow nichiren to the best of your ability. cheers. gregorio

    2. prepatory teachings..... not predatory.

    3. We both got it wrong. It is PREPARATORY.
