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Thursday, October 22, 2020

A YMD senior leader writes me and my response:

"How are you Mark? I hope you are winning in your life? Winning means winning over the 'lesser self' that has time to try to point out some negatives in their external environment or tries to point out the shortcomings of others - even where there are none! Winning is about becoming selfless in the support of others toward tangible world peace. Wisdom, Courage and Compassion (our innate Buddha Nature). Ikeda Sensei has dedicated his entire life to world peace (the proof is always in the pudding and nobody can deny the facts from actual proof). I am such a proud Member of SGI, an emancipated individual who constantly turns poison into medicine in my life and supports others toward their own, unique, beautiful personal inner transformation (human revolution). I am a stand alone 21st Cenury Buddha and I am so grateful for the efforts of the 3 founding Presidents of the Soka Gakkai who stood up with courage against Japans 'thought police' and shared the highest teaching of the Buddha with the world so each person can awaken themselves from the deep sleep of ignorance and emancipate themselves. It is such an incredible eternal journey. Wishing you indestructible happiness and good fortune throughout eternity Buddha Rogow, Nam myoho renge kyo" -- Unknown (of course)

Response to unknown:

I'm fine. I deny it (that Ikeda is a Bodhisattva of the Earth) and hundreds of thousands of people, likewise, denied it with their feet. Earning literally billions for performing the same work that the Bodhisattvas of the earth do for free and a layman. You are in a cult of personality and can not see the eye brows in front of your face. Next you will claim that because of the SGI the nuclear states will disarm, "surely within 20 years thanks to the SGI". You'all couldn't even protect the Sho Hondo with literally TRILLIONS of Daimoku and a photo of Sho Hondo on every altar. You know nothing about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Keep your head into the rectum of Shinichi Yamamoto and I will keep my head into the hearts of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. The Guru is a Shingon and Hindu concept. You are an embarrassment. Your interfaith initiatives is treachery against the Gohonzon and Nichiren. You have zero credibility. How wrong you are about your Sensei. How wrong you are just about everything. Nichiren teaches that a true priest is hated, not adored, by every two bit dictator, yet your "Sensei" will suck up to anyone, NEVER uttering the lion's roar. You probably don't even know what I am talking about. I guess the appellation "Ikedabot" is true. Whatsmore, you go on dreaming, "I am Shinichi Yamamoto" while I will go on, "I am Nichiren and the Eternal Buddha." How dare you to debase the highest teaching. Your top Japanese Senior Leech Leaders should above all get a job, you must immediately take the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren as your role models, stop your slanderous interfaith, chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, and get a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon because obviously, your Nichikan Gohonzon CAN NOT serve as a mirror. You talk benefits but you are blind. You fail to have the ideas of a Buddha. You sir are an icchantika. Let me share with you the teachings of Nichiren. A wise man will ascribe blame to the perpetrator, never to the innocent of any fault. You have it all backwards. Do you know what Nichiren says about those who have a different Three Treasures than he? They are great slanderers. Do you know what he says about those who profess, we are Buddhas? They lack wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. " Nichiren teaches that a true priest is hated, not adored, by every two bit dictator, yet your "Sensei" will suck up to anyone, NEVER uttering the lion's roar."

    Reply tothe Lay PriestTakahashi:
    At that time, great changes will take place in the heavens. Eclipses of the sun and moon will occur, great comets will streak across the sky, and the earth will quiver and shake as if it were a waterwheel. After this will come the disaster of domestic rebellion, in which the ruler of the nation, his brothers, and the other great men of the nation will be attacked and killed. Next will come the disaster of invasion from abroad, in which the land will be attacked by a neighboring nation, the people will be taken prisoner or commit suicide, and all the people throughout the country, whether high or low, will suffer great tribulation.

    All of this will come about solely because the person who is propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra under the protection of Bodhisattva Superior Practices is abused, struck, exiled, and threatened with execution. We read in the sutra that Brahmā, Shakra, the gods of the sun and moon, and the four heavenly kings inscribed an oath in the presence of the Buddha at the assembly where the Lotus Sutra was being preached, vowing that if anyone should show enmity toward the votary of the Lotus Sutra they would chastise that person with even greater vehemence than if he were the sworn enemy of their own father and mother.

    Now when I, Nichiren, having been born in this country of Japan, hold up the bright mirror of both the Lotus Sutra and all the other sutras to the faces of all the persons in Japan, I see that matters differ not in the slightest from what the sutras predict. Just as the Buddha foretold, great changes are taking place in the heavens and disasters are occurring on earth.

    For some time now I have known that this nation is destined for destruction. I knew that, if I reported this to the ruler, and if it were still possible that the nation might be preserved in peace and safety, then he would surely ask me to clarify the meaning of my words; but if the nation were indeed doomed, then the ruler would refuse to heed my advice. And if he refused to heed my advice, I knew that I would most likely be condemned to exile or execution. Yet the Buddha has warned us, “If, while understanding this matter, you still hesitate to risk your life and therefore do not declare it to the people, then you are not only my enemy but the deadly enemy of all living beings and are bound to fall into the great citadel of the Avīchi hell.”9

    At this point I became troubled as to how to proceed. If I spoke out with regard to this matter, there was no telling what might become of me. My own safety was of little concern, but suppose that my parents, siblings, and perhaps even one other person out of a thousand or ten thousand should follow me. They, too, would surely be hated by both the ruler and the common people. And if they were so hated, then, not having a full understanding of the Buddhist teachings, they would find it difficult to endure the attacks of others. Though they had supposed that, by practicing the Buddha’s teachings, they would gain peace and security, in fact they would find that, because they had embraced this teaching, they were beset by great hardships. In that case they would then slander this teaching as a distorted one and therefore fall into the evil paths. How pitiful that would be!

    But if, on the other hand, I failed to speak out on this matter, then I would not only be going against the vow I made to the Buddha, but I would become the deadly enemy of all living beings and be condemned without fail to the great Avīchi hell. Thus, though I had pondered which course of action to take, I made up my mind to speak out.
