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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Why should I respond to SGI cult Ad Hominem (bull baiting)?

Every post they comment on, failing to address the post, save for Ad Hominem, refutes them all. Now, all comments are there to see their ugly faces.


  1. I’m not SGI- your terminology looks like an excuse to avoid criticism though you are spewing it constantly. This is what makes you look like a hypocrite.
    ~ Katie Higgins

  2. Not everything I write is referring to you. By thinking that 1). you are a narcissist and by feebly defending yourself proves that you too utilize the false debate tactic of Ad Hominem. You claim that I too utilize Ad Hominem, however, I back up nearly everything, utililizing the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren. However, you, as well as SGI members, more often than not fail to address the indicated post and resort to ad hominem. By praising the cult, you have become a member of the cult by the principle of complicity, so "bull baiting' too is an apt term.

  3. Oh boy! But the specific condemnations and character aspersiosn--snark and sarcasacm aimed at me litter your forum --as do your constant attacks of ALL of SGI - but when confronted and called out, you play your bull baiting card sprinkled with ad hominem accusations. Puh-leez! I praise those who take up and continue chanting the daimoku .
    And by remaining silent about the scourge happening in real time wrought by trump and by finding fault with Zelensky for not capitulating to Putin you are praising evil and are complicit with it. That is strictly according to your own logic, Mark.
