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Friday, December 2, 2022

Family is so important to me.

Another great benefit of Namu Myoho renge kyo.


  1. trying to imagine what your family meant pre encounter with SGI, where you were introduced to Myoho Renge Kyo!
    easy to see how little gratitude you have for the “family” that provided you the means to becoming what fuels many in their practice: love and gratitude for their families.

    1. So, such are the requirements you’ve established for acceptance as “ believers”? Are you suggesting the Buddha misspoke when He declared the perfect teaching for the “ ignorant masses” of our time, was simply Myoho Renge Kyo? You disagree that many enter from every condition and realm and ALL will attain the same benefit as the Buddha? I’ve read J. Stone and true story of the Fuji school and many works of reputable Buddhist scholars, yet through my faith and practice , I have only expanded my compassion and deepened my belief in the essential teaching being the perfect, complete teaching , realizing that all of us enter with our own stuff and culture plays a big role in how we are able to embrace it. You seem both inpatient and intolerant , which are karmic impediments BTW, John. ~ Katie

  2. I started my practice in Washington DC area 1988. My first district chief had the exact opposite experience . Able to overcome alcohol:drug addiction and the health consequences , especially liver damage . I met many senior leaders who shared the same experiences of overcoming health issues . I also advanced in many areas of my life in can’t blame SGI for personal misfortune ! I strongly suggest you stop going that route because it simply is not true that being a member of SGI causes personal misfortune .

    1. I can’t imagine misfortune from chanting daimoku ! We will encounter effects from negative karma for sure, only by continuing to chant daimoku can we break through. I’ve seen and experienced that across the board for believers everywhere . ~Katie

    2. I think understanding others and respectfully engaging them is a correct understanding of the Lotus Sutra. I think practicing / chanting the essential teaching is essential—— I believe Myoho Renge Kyo is the perfect complete teaching for our time.:You might want to ponder admonitions regarding what we cannot attain- like perceiving the ultimate reality of the 3 realms - ourselves, others, the environment. And then ask yourself why you feel so confident judging and condemning others who chant the daimoku ? I believe your behavior in this regard looks like a heretical teaching. ~ Katie

  3. Thanks John you are correct. Does that persons experience invalidate mine? Perhaps this in several parts can convince Anonymous

    PART !

    What about the thousands of SGI who died in the Tohoko earthquake and those dying from the radiation in Fukushima? Were they or are they protected? Were they or are they fortunate?

    What about the untoward and premature deaths of Soka Gakkai members?

    President Ikeda's favorite son died of a bleeding ulcer, age 29, a highly unusual occurrence for a young man in the modern age. David Kasahara's first born son died of massive brain trauma at eleven years old. Guy McCloskey's first born son died in a motorcycle accident. Michael and Diane (Japanese NY pioneer member) Cody's first born son died when he accidentally strangled on a tree branch. One top New York senior leader died when a snow plow ran over his car on a clear and snow free day. I know of another who had the top of head taken off by a metal stage prop hook as he sat in the audience. I knew another YWD leader who lost his legs when he got out of his car on a relatively traffic free road and a car barreled into him when he was getting his spare tire from the trunk. My friend, Dewitt Johnson, an up and coming YMD senior leader, died when his parachute failed to open. Shin Yatomi, Vice Study Department chief and managing editor of Living Buddhism never smoked. He was diagnosed with cancer of both lungs on Oct. of 2006. He was absolutely sure he would beat his cancer thanks to his relationship with the mentor but he died nevertheless on May 17, 2007 in his mid forties. Gary Hinman, a Men's Division leader and head of the bagpipers was brutally murdered by the Manson crew. Pascual Olivera, the head of the SGI-USA study department swore he would overcome his liver cancer but he too died after less than two years. His wife died two months later from another type of cancer. She too was in her forties. The Japanese senior leader (I forgot his name) who, instead of Danny Nagashima, was to become general director died in the 9/11 plane crash. Guy McCloskeys son died in a motorcyle accident when he was 29. Hiroshi Hoji, SGI president died of a massive heart atttack. Wayne Shorters first wife and a children died in a plane crash and his other daughter, age 14 died of a seizure. FraughtWithPeril founder and blogger Greg Dilley died in a scuba diving accident at only 48 years old. An old friend from where I first joined SGI, who remained in the SGI until he died, is now dead - of cancer at age 59. In fact, you'll find no shortage of untoward deaths from cancer among SGI member obituaries...If you Google "obituaries, Soka Gakkai", you will see how many young and relatively young SGI members are dying of rare diseases and accidents and you can compare it with another US religion of similar size if you are so inclined to perform a statistical analysis.

    1. where’s your statistical analysis ?
      personal opinions abound here
      but none can fathom the mystic law
      doesn’t stop some from preaching

    2. that person’s experience is as valid as yours
      you can’t copy\ paste an argument against facts

    3. not just insensitive, your litany on the misfortunes of other believers who happen to practice in sgi are cruel. or rather, what you spewed here says more about you, than the faith or correct practice of all you gossip about. kate told me about this practice of yours, but until reading this, i wondered if her take was accurate. it is far worse, imo, than she described. i felt sick reading your take down of people who have suffered such grievious losses. have you no sense of decency?
      "How many more untoward experiences of misfortune do you wish to hear from me about SGI members,"- you ask:
      collecting them, are you? sharing more anon sources from sgi as well? while it would be difficult to verify your gruesome stories, the truth or lack thereof pales beside your gloating that you have the authority or imagine it is correct practice to share these personal stories of hardship publicly, don't bother coming back with "what nichiren did"-- unless you want to show his response to believers who lost children(ec: shijo kingo's infant daughter) or any follower who suffered loss of loved ones or personal debilitating illness.
      of course your sad state of health and brushes with death are due to your 'rebuking slander" blah blah blah. what if your survival is due to your having slandered do deeply, your punishment awaits you?
      just suggesting you might want to start reading the gosho as it applies to you strictly and stop preaching it like you are a sage, when in fact you are a very poor example of a humanistic believer.

  4. PART 2

    And here is an experience of a YWD headquarters chief:

    "I knew a woman here who had similarly lost a leg - she had gone around the back of the car to get something out of the trunk, and a car slammed into her. She considered it a "benefit" that the docs were able to save ONE of her legs! I've mentioned that SGI-USA Vice National WD leader, the one who told me to get rid of my Nichiren Shu Gohonzon ("You need to chant until you agree with me"), dropped dead 2 weeks later. And that former WD District leader's soul-mate girlfriend, who was also a devoted SGI-USA member, who dropped dead of a blood clot in her brain stem. She was only in her late-30s or about 40. That same former WD District leader's younger son's spine was crushed in a freak accident; he's paralyzed for life despite thousands of hours of daimoku from SGI-USA members. Where I practiced last, my WD District leader's alcoholic husband had to be hospitalized; he died when he fell out of his hospital bed - of course she was chanting for his complete recovery. And this couple in that same district - they'd met when he was in prison for sexually molesting his own young son and she was a prison nurse - he chased her with his car and ended up shooting her dead in a convenience store parking lot. It just goes on and on AND ON - what other organization has such a high toll of human misery to its credit??

    SGI President Ikeda said in his guidance, “The Mystic Law is the fundamental law or principle of the universe. The prayers of those who chant, practice and champion this incomparably profound Mystic Law are directly in tune with the fundamental rhythm of the universe.

    As such, their prayers will definitely be answered. And they themselves will be safeguarded and protected without fail by the heavenly deities and all Buddhas and bodhisattvas throughout the universe. What a steaming pile of bullshit

    If it can't work for THESE people, the leaders who are held up to us as the shining examples of proper practice, what hope does anyone else have that it can be made to work??"

    Next, we read from Nichiren, "For some reason, however, there is less affliction and death among Nichiren’s followers. It is indeed mysterious. Is this because we are few in number, or because our faith is strong?"

    How many more untoward experiences of misfortune do you wish to hear from me about SGI members,

    Most importantly, it is misfortune to fail to attain Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment and to fall into hell by following Ikeda, (practicing Ikedaism rather than Nichiren Lotus Sutra). Buddhism.

    1. i have good fortune to know many sgi/nst leaders and members who have overcome all kinds of hardship and health crises. i wouldn't judge anyone chanting daimoku the way you do, why? because it shows a lack of human decency to do so on a public forum. if you truly believed these members need your "sage" counsel, your time should be spent pursuing relationships and opportunities to "help them". but it would be hard for you to do that considering how you have revealed your true nature here. some doctor you are!

    2. Does that invalidate my experience or the reality of those members and top leaders who were not protected and who died miserable deaths. Besides, who are we to believe, some anonymous SGI or the actual obitituaries and histories of SGI members?
