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Friday, February 17, 2023

👍 Manifesto for Establishing a True World Peace! 😅 by Ony Myo Sun-Lotus



  1. The decline in Japan’s economy began in the early 90’s- exactly when the first Nichiren sectarian wars began between Shoshu and SGI!! Likewise, the spiritual down spiraling and decent into violence and vile right wing politics griped America began at this same time.
    Attacking and abusing fellow believers is slander —- only when one encounters the daimoku can one actually slander the Law.
    Wake up Mark ! Open your eyes ! Return to the basics, the one essential phrase, teaching, practice of the Lotus Sutra in this degenerative age.
    While it is true that daimoku is a powerful remedy for the ills of all who chant it, and most can claim benefit , I contend that until one frees themselves from the delusion of ego and self- importance : until one can embrace and respect all who chant the daimoku, one cannot even imagine the true benefit of faith in and upholding Myoho Renge Kyo. Just staying alive is a feat many accomplish even through devastating illness , but to become a true bodhisattva, upholding the essential teaching that knowledge of Buddhism is not a requirement for embracing and deriving benefit from chanting the perfect teaching , is where true happiness and peace of mind reside. ~ Katie

  2. For the sake of clarification of the importance of defeating Russia in Ukraine:

    There remains a huge gap between idealism in the anti-war movements and the reality of threats to humanity in our world and the means we have to confront them.

    Don't be an ostrich! Be fully informed and dedicated to deepening faith at times of great challenge. ~Katie

    1. Whether Russia takes over, China, the Muslims, the Christian Nationalists takes over, I will chant Namu Myoho renge kyo. I advise you to do the same, at the cost of your life.

    2. Happy to report that I am not in need of, nor would I ever seek your advice, Mark. I wonder exactly why you continue to preach like this, if, in fact, you've actually accepted that Nichiren is the only teacher for our time--- and possibly remember that I have read all published, translated writings attributed to Nichiren.
      Or maybe you cannot read, or simply don't read what I write? Why on Earth you would assume I need to be advised to chant "at the cost of my life" --truly astounds me! I'm inclined to wonder how much, or how sincerely-- as in focus on the daimoku and not your "own ideas" when chanting - you are engaging in! Just doesn't seem like you have a clue how powerful and all- inclusive the daimoku is. Always adding your own 2 cents! LOL ~Katie
      I'll check back in a few weeks and see if you are posting comments to your comments ;-)

  3. Mark, how are you feeling?.....I'm guessing you have good and bad days.....yesterday, I revisited my Jan. 29th. Part 1....and, I was encouraged that you were receptive and Katie, well....but still, I want to brain storm this idea further, and I will.....this week. But for starters, I have an idea....I'm going to submit an idea immediately after this......Max/RW

  4. Katie and Mark, under a tree......a, you know, the Bodhi Tree!....OK, y'all....can I ask the two of you some questions about your gongyo? Kasho does A&C in the morning (+ 1hr, uninterrupted ) - but, skips Evening. Sylvain Chamberlain of Threefold, I believe does A,B&C (golly, I don't think I have a B around anymore, but it faintly spurts out when I hear him doing his Youtube rendition), and, I don't know about his evening....will get back with that....and Mark, I have The Essential Services of Sublime Dharma of the Lotus Flower Sutra that you gave me, which has parts A & C only......can you tell us more about your format and, can you print your prayers in addition?.....and Katie, pretty please!, can you follow here likewise?....I'm really interested in your prayers......thanking the two of you, and anyone else that wants to publish their gongyo and prayers.

    1. I do A + C mostly, occassionaly A + B + C, mostly in Sino-Japanese and rarely in English. We are reading the Opening of the Eyes as part of our closing prayers. There is the Kempon Hokke Essential Services ABC here. I will look for it and you can print it.

    2. My prayers are for my relatives, deceased and living, the continant and the nation to peaceful, to have great power and influence in my next life and the people in my life who are many, those most in need, especially.

    3. yea..., bro, pretty obvious you want "power and influence"-- happy knowing that ain't gonna happen.

  5. Mark, I published 2 previous here.....if it's something you want to do, probably would be best to use it as a new post altogether, as opposed to an add-on to this older, unrelated post....and, it will grab Katie's attention more so.

    1. If you are "anonymous" how could I find the posts that you are talking about?
