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Sunday, February 26, 2023

My blog is in good hands.

The Lotus Sutra (Myoho renge kyo and a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon), the authentic in Nichiren Daishonin's hand writings with one exception (The Opening of the Eyes which was burned in a fire).


  1. Okaay-- if anyone can unpack that word salad, I'd love to know what this post means. ~Katie

    1. My blog is in good hands, the Lotus Sutra and authentic writings of Nichiren.

  2. by even the lowest standards, your blog is a hot mess.

  3. huh? so, you are not the moderator of this blog? not the one whose fingers type the nasty comments and post grievance , grudge and gossip here? not your hands that operate a hate filled forum and call it Nichiren Buddhism ? don’t blame you for trying to deflect from your slanderous actions, but really, this post is ludicrous. by that I mean, your thoughts here are insane.

  4. After I die? Hardly but the Lotus Sutra and authentic writings of Nichiren will remain far into the future.
