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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Nichiren on "stupid persons".

"And so, when I, neither hesitating to speak out nor fearing others, tell them frankly that they are stupid persons who have misunderstood the true meaning of the Buddhist teachings, and that they are slanderers of the Law; when I deliver a sharp rebuke to them, mindful of the Buddha’s golden words "then that monk is betraying Buddhism" and trusting in the passage of scripture that reads, "We will be envoys of the World Honored One, facing the assembly without fear"; when I do this, censuring those who "suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart," then how can they fail to turn upon me with hatred and jealousy?" (The Teachings in Accordance With the Buddha's Mind).

"Although I try to point out that this country is full of people who would like to do away with the Lotus Sutra, no one understands me, and so they merely go on committing errors of stupidity. And now, in addition, a votary of the Lotus Sutra has made his appearance, so that the people of Japan, on top of their stupidity, give way to anger, favoring erroneous teachings and viewing the correct teaching with hatred. In a country where the three poisons [of greed, anger and stupidity] prevail to such a degree, how can there be peace and stability?"(The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings).

"And yet, the people of today, both the distinguished and the lowly, look withcontempt upon Shakyamuni Buddha, their father in the present world, and insteadrevere Amida or Dainichi, who are strangers to them, persons with whom they have no connection at all. In doing so, are they not lacking in filial piety? Are they not slanderers of the Law? When I say this, however, all the people of Japan join together in reviling me.

And it is quite natural that they should, for the crooked piece of wood hates the straightness of the carpenter’s string, and the dishonest man is not pleased with the honest administration of government." - The Teaching In Accordance with the Buddha's Mind

"However, because there was no one who understood this situation, it has been impossible to remedy it. I am generally aware of these matters, and therefore try to repay the debt of gratitude I owe my country [by speaking the truth], but people only hate me for it." - White Horses and White Swans.


  1. Blog is intermittent

  2. most definitely, nichiren was not referring to those who embraced myoho renge kyo. any fool can see how stupid mark is for these thinly veiled attempts to justify his abhorrent behavior. come on man!

  3. medieval mark rails against people who chant the daimoku , introduce others and encourage them to continue their practice. of course medieval mark will gain benefit if he chants daimoku. lifetime members of sgi already know this is the actual proof of the perfect teaching and fully expect mark will also reap effects for slandering us. some of those effects are manifest in his off the rails secular commentaries! Nichiren’s followers faired pretty well - mark’s? are deplorable human beings - hot headed, bigoted, self righteous and blatantly stupid!

  4. fyi- copy/paste medieval writings doesn't mean you understand them---why would you? key word, "medieval times"-- mappo notwithstanding, nichiren's audience was nothing like 21st century america! so happy to now the practice is chanting myoho renge kyo-- universally available and equally beneficial to all who embrace it.
