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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Written to an SGI apologist who claims that no one who left SGI has read the Gosho

My name is Mark Rogow. I left the Soka Gakkai cult 25 years ago. I am a Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhist, neither Nichiren Shoshu, Honmon Shoshu, Nichiren Shu, Honmon Butsuryu Shu, nor Kempon Hokke. I follow only the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. I have had many dozens of debates with Soka Gakkai based on the writings of Nichiren Daishonin why SGI neither follows the Lotus Sutra nor Nichiren Daishonin. I have invited SGI's top leaders to a formal debate in an auditorium with podiums, 2 video hookups, and neutral judges, for example judges from tricycle magazine. I had invited Greg Martin, head of SGI Study department, the late Shin Yatomi, Al Albergate when he was head of SGI public relations, Bill Aiken, Ian McCilraith, and others, all who refused for various reasons. My favorite writing of Nichiren Daishonin is the Opening of the Eyes which explains the Gohonzon in terms of the person of Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. SGI's Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws are not the Three Treasures of Nichiren; SGI has incorporated the Shingon principle of Yuiga Yoga or Guru Yoga, and the Zen principle of Bushido. SGI practices interfaith, SGI Ikeda has altered Nichiren's Four Dictums, SGI allows a mixing of practices, SGI does not recognize copies of Nichiren Gohonzons, SGI practices shoju with slanderers while only practicing Shakubuku with others who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, and lastly, SGI doctrine is based principally on the writings NOT in Nichiren's hand, many of which are not authentic like the Ongi Kuden. Please see my blog, and after your comment place Latchski, and I will respond. I get too many nasty and ugly comments from SGI and NST to respond but to you, I will respond. The Eagle Peak blog.


  1. Explanation for decline to debate Mark Rogow:
    One of many Gosho passages on the essential teaching/ practice:

    “ Thus faith is the basic requirement for entering the way of the Buddha. In the fifty- two stages of bodhisattva practice, the first ten stages, dealing with faith are basic. Though lacking in knowledge of Buddhism, a person of faith, even if dull- witted, is to be reckoned as a person of correct views. But even though one has some knowledge of Buddhism , if one is without faith, then one is to be considered a slanderer and an icchantika , or a person of incorrigible disbelief.” -
    “The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra “- Nichiren .

    Credit to Dave Cole for pointing out that Mark’s exclusionary views reflect lack of faith in the essential teaching.

    Furthermore, since embracing and practicing the daimoku is the essential teaching/ practice, kudos to SGI for the myriad ways they help westerners embrace and practice the daimoku !
    One of the positive aspects is relating faith to daily life and to vital aspects of our culture and politics as a democratic republic.
    From my discussions with SGI leaders , there are no grounds for debating Marks selectively personal interpretation of this universal and profound teaching. Just as Dave and I have pointed out, Marks “ views” and subsequent attacks on all Nichiren sects , reflect Marks lack of faith in Myoho Renge Kyo”
    He just goes medieval / bonkers when told the truth and demeans whoever bears this message.
    B that as it may, debating the teachings isn’t a practice amongst believers , tho mutual respect and encouragement to continue most definitely is !!
    ~ Katie

    1. John, are you saying Nichiren lied when he wrote that knowledge of Buddhism was not necessary when one chants Myoho Renge Kyo; that “ When we revere Myoho Renge Kyo inherent in our own life as the object of devotion , the Buddha nature within us is summoned forth and manifested by our chanting [daimoku]- …
      The Buddha nature of Brahma and Shakra , being called, will protect us…. All Buddhas of the three existences too, attain Buddhahood by virtue of the five characters of Myoho Renge Kyo…These five characters are the reason why the Buddhas of the three existences appear in this world.: they are the Mystic Law whereby all living beings can attain the Buddha way. You should understand these matters thoroughly and on the path of attaining Buddhahood, chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”—-Those Initially Aspiring To The away.”-Nichiren And us this also a lie : “ It is the same way with the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra. Though they may not understand the principles of Buddhism and may not know that they are suffering from delusion , if ONLY they have faith , then without a doubt they will be able to free themselves simultaneously from the illnesses ….they will reach the lands of Actual Reward and Tranquil Light, and cause the three bodies of a Thus Come One that they inherently possess to shine… Whether he understands the medicine or not , so long as he takes it, he will in either case be cured.”/ Conversation Between A Sage and an Unenlightened Man- Nichiren
      Are you disputing these teachings, John— ???
      Perhaps your personal issues and arrogance are impeding your capacity to fully believe and develop pure faith in Myoho Renge Kyo? I’d say that inability to defer to the daimoku and respect all who embrace the daimoku is exactly what makes this a “ difficult to believe and understand “ teaching:practice. Isn’t it just mappo-human nature to be entranced by one’s own mind and prone to attacking those who disagree with one’s own ideas ? ~Katie

  2. I have pointed out the flaws in every sect, their failures to follow the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren and their embrace of Shingon, Zen, and Tendai principles, interfaith, and exhorbitant salaries derived from donations (and other slanders and falsehoods). Dave Cole is a disciple of George Williams who claims that etheogens can lead to Enlightenment so, of course, his analysis is flawed. Anyone who disagrees with me, even if they disagree with the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren you embrace. Shame on you.

    1. You cannot slander Universal Virtue Bodhisattva and not expect repercussions. Each person who recites the Daimoku has all the powers and already made their vows.

      You might think you are refuting heretical Buddhism like Nichiren did, but you are attacking votaries and millions of sincere people.

      The "sins" and "errors" of others, you perceive are trivial worldly differences. The power of the Daimoku is not stingy with it's Kudoku, forgiveness, benefit and eternity.

      A true disciple of Buddhism is not one who attacks others who recites the One Great Secret Law.

    2. When did you wake up to the universal universalist Nichiren group? You have had your preferences. Why aren't you confronting the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu. In stead you waste your time with someone of little power and influence? Are you a coward?

  3. Focus on the daimoku , the essential teaching and not persons for a change ? All you do here is pump your ego ego and demean those who correctly point out the primacy, universality of the perfect teaching . If you cannot believe in the power of daimoku being absolute — for all who embrace it, then it is you who is degrading the teaching. Chanting Myoho renge kyo is the teaching. Your discriminatory mindset displays your serious karmic impediment. Your ego centric view of Buddhism is flawed. Incorrigible disbelief describes you perfectly. ~ Katie

  4. " Anyone who disagrees with me, even if they disagree with the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren you embrace. Shame on you."

    this is an incomprehensible word salad response. agree marks off the rails, shows lack of faith and signs of cognitive decline.

  5. some people will sleep with anything. lol.

  6. ahh! Big correction needed here. Disagreement with your views, Mark, is not in any way synonymous with " disagreeing with the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren". Your attacking fellow believers who have corrected your self-absorbed views is truly a sign of your unbridled arrogance. ~Katie

  7. what you fail to acknowledge, mr rogow, is that the teaching itself is simply, the daimoku; what you refuse to acknowledge is that nichiren specifically says that "knowledge for buddhism" is not required when one merely embraces and recirt=tes the daimoku. why is that? because nichiren teaches in the kanji honmon-sho that in fact, the daimoku , the lotus sutra and shakyamuni are one and the same--- and the gohonzon - with myoho renge kyo in the center is the depiction of the eternal buddha. therefore, your repeated claims that supplication to the buddha and knowledge of doctrines, etc. is necessary for correct faith are moot points, and furthermore, your demeaning those who chant daimoku and ignore your exhortations is abhorrently slanderous.
    it is well established here on your bully pulpit that you are bound by personal grudges and ego driven desire to identify yourself as superior to all other nichiren followers in every nichiren sect.
    in other, words, you have been exposed. absolutely no one who embraces the dasimoku, views you as an authority, because none exist, save for nichiren who taught that the perfect teaching is universally accessible and devoid of intellectual prerequisites--- that is what made it perfect, and what you, mr. rogow, continue to deny. shame on you

    1. Go tell that to the Ikeda worshippers. Wherever they entrench themselves things get worse. Wake up.

  8. however, pointing out errors of those who embrace the daimoku is slander, dude. you criticize the American SGI who uses culture and education as key to spreading the Law in our country. your medieval horse hockey is dead in the water- not addressed to or for non Buddhist countries. you are so massively stupid, dude- ignorant, uneducated and malignantly arrogant that you earned yourself the title of precursor of the maga movement . your rhetoric and demeanor are vile and your elitist view of yourself is apparent.

    1. I see. The Japanese Top Senior Leaders (President, Vice Presidents, General Directors) who receive exhorbitant salaries thanks to the donations of the members to teach the Dharma GOOD, Mark Rogow BAD is too stupid to even respond.

    2. Lets just ignore Fukushima and the spiritual reasons for such a terrible possibly extinction event.

    3. all out war amongst "nichiren sects"-- slandering each other - you, big time proponent of this " spiritual cause"-- and so many other causes you have made that led to disaster-- like your "flirtation (your words), with tRump. you're a trip, bro--- looking everywhere but in the mirror!

  9. Cults leave an emotional toll
