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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kempon Hokke E-Sutra Book A Sino-Japanese B English C Sino-Japanese 


  1. The link does not work

  2. The Essential Services of The Kempon Hokke Sect:
    Receiving and Keeping the Daimoku—( The entire community recites together )
    “ From this body until the Buddha Body we shall keep well The Three Great Secret Dharmas of the “ Chapterof the Measure of Life” of the original doctrine of the Hokekyo, the Actual “ One Thought is Three Thousand Realms”, “ this Good, Excellent Medicine” which is Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, “

    I am not a member of any Nichiren sect, however, I deeply respect all who embrace the daimoku and strive to benefit others , respecting the dignity of the lives of all living beings, and I challenge the exclusionary “ chanters” to wake up and uphold the Law through their words and deeds! Rebuking slander at this time, means condemning those who demean members of any Nichiren sect . And if these slanderers happen to live in the U.S., I condemn their attacks on anyones religious beliefs as un American as well. ~ Katie

  3. Go to Kempon Hokke International and click on Sutra book. Don't know why the URL doesn't work.

  4. If they don't like the Dharma of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren or if they feel that I fail to promote the Dharma of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, then by all means they should start their own blog, video, or whatever.

  5. Try this:

  6. SGI's truncated Daimoku? SGI's True Word and Zen Teachings mixed with the Daimoku? NST's forgeries"That's OK Kathy? You are blind with hatred for me.

  7. Sgi provides deeply cloudy mirror. all cults are poison.
