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Friday, June 30, 2023

Shunning the good teachers

“Before the multitude they seem possessed of the three poisons or manifest the signs of distorted views. My disciples in this manner use expedient means to save living beings.” -- Lotus Sutra Chapter 8

"Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, though the teaching, the people’s capacity, and the time for propagation are in accord, we must expect all the more hostility. For this is the age when quarrels and disputes prevail, and the pure Law is obscured and lost. Moreover, the teacher is but an ordinary practitioner, and his disciples come from among evil people defiled by the three poisons. For this reason, people shun the good teacher and associate with evil teachers." - Nichiren


  1. The only way sgi will help you is right out of your money and mind. Christianity is simply institutionalised bigotry and extortion

  2. On the edge of ww3. Americans are so brainwashed and stupid. I went to a real Nichiren servie once. It was ok. No manipulations, just chanting and a short service. If you go to any christian services, in this assinine country, they either tell you have to vote for Trump or support the ww3 , proxy war in Ukraine. Nihilistic destructive religions, based on irrationality. Sgi is a cult. You are likely, to get some form of politics or manipulation, from that ignorant group of people, as well.

  3. Unknown July 7, 2016 at 11:30 AM
    I have been practicing Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism for 30 years. I have had a very rich and beneficial practice until the last 4 years. I do not find it coincidental that my progress in life came to a screeching halt and fell into the state of hell with the progression of this Buddhism revolving into "Ikedaism" Our publications have been inundated with only the interpretations and viewpoints of Ikeda. I am trying to find other Buddhists who see the same thing and want to continue practicing and supporting each other without the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth being shoved down our throats from SGI and it's transition into "Ikedaism"

    1. Nothing is stopping you from following the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. Study assiduously the Five Major Works and get a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon. There are hundreds of Independents, if not thousands. Thanks for the comment.

  4. what is the cause for all the sick chaos in this Saha world? open your eyes.

  5. it has never failed to amaze me how so many people dismiss the teachings of nichiren, and yet, chant the daimoku he brought to the world. ?????
    without doubt, it is slander. no buddhahood exists there.

  6. Nichiren said “ follow the Law”; Buddha said “ Trust the Law, not persons”
    Chanting daimoku is the way, the teaching for our time.
    You’re messing up big time with your pseudo scholarly rhetoric and your dismissal of the essential teaching. Pretty obvious you ain’t chanting enough daimoku, pal—- said with all due respects.
    The daimoku IS the eternal Buddha.

  7. real buddhism....nichiren clearly states - mainly , there are two reasons why people make mistakes in their buddhist faith and practice....1. they are ignorant of the teachings, 2. they follow a misguided and bad teacher. there are others but these are the two main./// it seems that all the sects are guilty of this ...mostly the sgi who seriously prevent the teachings. / so very strange, they chant the truncated Daimoku of the nichiren shoshu, who they hate and still promote misleading teachings. This is why they are the most perverse. really stupid. really bad karma.
