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Monday, November 13, 2023

Nichiren's guidance from The Opening of the Eyes

“Great Concentration and Insight says: “If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha."


  1. lacking faith could also be corrupt faith , as in the corruption of the USA/World. Wake up !

  2. “ Joy comes from loving everyone and everything”. Alok Vaid-Menon, author of “ Beyond The Gender Binary”.
    Nichiren came from a place of “ love” as did Shakyamuni Buddha .
    We have Myoho Renge Kyo to connect to the perfect enlightenment of the Buddha. To realize non duality and clear understanding of the truth that everyone and everything possesses Myoho Renge Kyo requires faith in it and courage to uphold its truth.
    Propagation is behavior! We cannot express and share the wonderful teaching by secluding ourselves in like minded bubbles or preaching dogma. Only thru engagement and sincere respect for everyone can we claim to be upholding Myoho Renge Kyo.
    When we ponder the Buddha’s intent, I believe it is imperative to picture Him saying “ All living beings are my children” and to recall that He did not appear in this World to judge and condemn but to awaken All to the Buddha nature within everyone and everything.
    Buddhism is Life! Please utilize all the means we have to listen and learn from youth who imagine and hope for peace and prosperity for all. Please consider using your faith and life to uplift and support those who are engaged in creating a brighter future for everyone.
    ~ Katie

  3. can you explain this passage in your own words, please?

  4. Ikeda dead. Sgi not a religion. It is a business.

    1. Poor, poor Daisaku = no explanation for why no one has seen him for ten years.

  5. I'm certainly not equal to a cultivated Buddha but I am in that we share the same Buddha nature. Hi Mark how are you going. Heard you are helping those in pain through a medicinal cannabis treatment. Wondering if I could hear Rev Kubota talk about 10 world Gohonzons that you wrote about

    "The Gohonzons themselves, particularly the majority of Gohonzons from 1278-1281 are Ten World Gohonzons. There are no Ten World Gohonzons before this time. Did you read the explanation of Reverend Kubota? Nichiren's teachings evolved. That is his opinion, and for what its worth, mine."

  6. its really a shame about the sgi/nst.
    "although i and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbor doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain buddhahood. do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life. this is what i have taught my disciples morning and evening, and yet they begin to harbor doubts and abandon their faith"wnd283.- nichiren.
    sgi/nst teaches buddhism wrong. beware!
