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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Nichiren explains how the few (we) can be superior to the many (SGI)

"The sage said: “How foolish you are! Your attachment to this belief that one should abandon the few in favor of the many towers higher than Mount Sumeru, and your conviction that the narrow should be despised and the broad honored is deeper than the vast ocean. In the course of our discussion, I have already demonstrated that something is not necessarily worthy of honor simply because it is many in number or despicable simply because it is few. Now I would like to go a step farther and explain how the small can actually encompass the great, and the one be superior to the many.

“The seed of the nyagrodha tree, though one-third the size of a mustard seed, can conceal five hundred carts within itself. Is this not a case of the small containing the large? The wish- granting jewel, while only one in number, is able to rain down ten thousand treasures without a single thing lacking. Is this not a case of the few encompassing the many? The popular proverb says that ‘one is the mother of ten thousand.’ Do you not understand the principle behind these matters? The important thing to consider is whether or not a doctrine conforms with the principle of the true aspect of all things. Do not be blindly attached to the question of many or few!" -- A Sage and an Unenlightened Man

Regarding the principles that Nichiren [and I] set down, they may not resonate with you now [while the principles set down by the Soka Gakkai in the Human Revolution do resonate with you] but Nichiren has this to say:

"When ordinary people in this latter age read these various sutras, they suppose that these sutras accord with the mind of the Buddha. But if we ponder the matter closely, we will see that in fact what they are reading is only a reflection of their own minds. And since their own minds are naturally uncultivated, there is little merit to be gained thereby.

The Lotus Sutra, on the other hand, is known as a sutra that was preached in accordance with the Buddha’s own mind. Because the Buddha’s mind is an excellent mind, persons who read this sutra, even though they may not understand its meaning, will gain inestimable benefit."


  1. Some people, despite their shallow understanding, pretend staunch faith and speak contemptuously to their fellow believers, thus often disrupting the faith of others. Leave such people strictly alone. The time will certainly come when, by the workings of Brahmā, Shakra, and other gods, the entire Japanese nation will simultaneously take faith in the Lotus Sutra. At that time, I am convinced, many people will insist that they too have believed since the very beginning.
    Nichiren speaks - 1 the workings of shakra and brahma

  2. If people should try to weaken your belief in the Lotus Sutra, consider that your faith is being tested. Tell them sardonically, “I deeply appreciate your warning. However, you should save your admonishment for yourselves. I know well that our lord does not approve of my faith. The idea of your threatening me in his name is simply absurd. I was contemplating visiting you all and giving you some advice, but you came here before I could follow through. You will surely join your palms together and beseech me for help when you, along with your beloved wife and children, are dragged out before King Yama.” Nichiren speaks - 2. the workings of shakra and bramha

  3. "When ordinary people in this latter age read these various sutras, they suppose that these sutras accord with the mind of the Buddha. But if we ponder the matter closely, we will see that in fact what they are reading is only a reflection of their own minds. And since their own minds are naturally uncultivated, there is little merit to be gained thereby.
    exactly !!! Wake up.

  4. "When ordinary people in this latter age read these various sutras, they suppose that these sutras accord with the mind of the Buddha. But if we ponder the matter closely, we will see that in fact what they are reading is only a reflection of their own minds. And since their own minds are naturally uncultivated, there is little merit to be gained thereby.
    exactly !!! Wake up.

    1. I am awake since I have have faith in the Lotus Sutra, Eternal Buddha and AUTHENTIC writings of Nichiren Daishonin, not the deceased corrupt slanderer, Daisaku Ikeda and his wealthy Vice Presidents and General Directors thanks to the sincere donations of their members. Shame on them. Compare them to Shakamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.

  5. Ikeda had no understanding of buddhism. He was simply a predator . His pursuits were not understaing buddhism. Rather he pursued twisting something it did not understand, to make itself a lot of money. It was devoted to amassing sheep to support itself. No morals or ethics. A criminal fraud like a lot of organized religions are

  6. Replies
    1. Very, thanks principally to daily shakubuku. Despite my illness, most days, I experience a high life condition. Thanks for asking.

  7. Time to say goodbye for me

    1. I chant for u to stay alive and spread some goodness every day. Why u say goodbye to me like that. Got wrong anonymous. I am dying of cancer. I was in an icu for most of jan. This is only blog i view on the rotten inet. I dont trust inet with good reason. Thats why anonymous. Ihope u do ok. Hope you r not hating on me.
