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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Who the heck is this half crazy anonymous person who I may have known 30 years ago? I don't know an Edwin except my long deceased father. Haven't spoken to Fred for 25+ years. Of course, many people dislike me. I tell the truth. Romero also tells the truth about this Buddhism.

 Unknown commented on "Nichiren view of fame and profit differs from the Soka Gakkai's (Ikeda Shu or teachings)"

Feb 14, 2024
Speaking of profit, why does Nichiren Shu and KHK sell Gohonzon? Yes, they do, and that's not like Nichiren. The cost of printing and services only would be the only thing appropriate. You know SGI overcharges because you know about Tozan and how much they charged for everything. That's not like NST at all. So stop slandering MY priests if you cannot own up to your own responsiibilities.

Your problem is, you side with people like Judy Scobee, who kissed up to Margie Hall in SGI. Margie wanted to give her a district leader's position. She bought and sold people's Gohonzon's and Butsudons, and Margie knew it, but she wanted a gold star on her report card for getting an NST member to rejoin SGI. Do you agree that is not the proper thing to do, or what?

People told lies to get what they wanted there and that's a fact, yet you people believe it was me in the archives. I don't tell people in SGI or NST to F off or involved police except for when my ex HIT ME. That was not only slander but a criminal offense. I did make comments on the lies that were told about me, because they covered up the truth.

Also, about your friend, Fred. I know because your friend, Fred had to harass me once again, and he blames the fact that I caught him in a lie and didn't like him shortly after saying I did. He did that to get off the hook. He was seeing his ex wife before, when I had problems with him lying to me, and he was meeting her at her restaurant. Be careful who you call a slanderer, lying to women, and placing false blame on innocent people is slander, and I did not kill Mark P. EVER and that is a complete INSULT., nor did I post half the posts in that archive. Some guy was following me around (Cody) and trying to hack me jon the ARBN and was posting fake posts about me. I have no idea who he was.

However, I do appreciate the post about Edwin. Your post fit hm to a T. He really was a liar too, I caught him in a whopper while outside by the window, and he did a lot of negative things to people in SGI and around him. He also yelled at waitresses, people helping out SGI, when he was Toban and when they delivered things to help the SGI, including trash men and waitresses and said they did a bad job. He didn't have to walk in their shoes at all. I have been a waitress and Edwin is a very rude and incorrect person.

The point is not slander here, because SGI was excommunicated, the point is hatred type slander towards people that actually were doing good things for people and may have time constraints.

You and your friend lost me as a friend. You need to stop being involved with people like Romero, that go out on their dates with their roommates and go out on their wives, etc, just because you don't trust women. Thats the kind of ethics SGI teaches.

Fred, Romero and others you deem as good, are not good people, and I don't agree your a good person, either. Your ego rules you. Your friend Fred is not a good person because he lies about and harasses people over his weaknesses, because he wants a woman in his life, but won't get married. He caused the situation quite by himself with me. First by lying about who he was and who you were. I caught him on that.. Secondly, because he took no responsibility for what he did to others. Neither have you.

Think twice before siding with such things. Your headed for a fall. I don't practice in LA NST anymore. I moved. So, I think that you should be careful, your headed for many people disliking you, when you know NST was honest. I will not help you ever again. Just a word of caution, you cause more problems and confusion than you do aid people.

1 comment:

  1. "I", am a compete imbecile and I don't use the Lotus Sutra as my clear mirror".
