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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Grand Master Dogen would have been a follower of Nichiren Daishonin

"The Saddharma-pundarika-sutra explains the purpose of the various
Buddhas having appeared in this world. It may be said to be the great
king and the great master of all the various sutras that the Buddha
Shakyamuni taught. Compared with this sutra, all the other sutras are
merely its servants, its relatives, for it alone expounds the Truth. The
other sutras, on the other hand, include provisional teachings of the
Buddha, and therefore do not express his real intention.

It is a mistake to use the teachings of the other sutras as the basis
for determining the validity of those contained in the
Saddharma-pundarika-sutra, for without the merit-power of the latter,
the former would be valueless. All the other sutras find their origin in
this sutra. As the previously quoted sentence from this sutra shows, the
merit of the Three Treasures is truly of unsurpassed value." -- Grand Master Dogen

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