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Sunday, April 20, 2014

It holds the highest place

"The Nirvana Sutra states, "Rely on the Law and not upon persons". And, "Rely on the sutras that are complete and final and not on those which are not complete and final". And, "When this [Nirvana Sutra] was preached,.....the prediction  had already been made in the Lotus Sutra that the 8000 shomon disciples would attain Buddhahood, a prediction which was like a great harvest. thus the autumn harvest was over and the crop had been stored away for winter [when the Nirvana Sutra was expounded], and there was nothing left for it [but a few gleanings]". We find the following passage in the Lotus Sutra, "This Lotus Sutra [is the secret storehouse of Buddhas]. Among  the sutras, it holds the highest place". Are we to call the Buddha a great liar? It is clear that all the teachings of the Buddha can only be understood in the light of the Lotus Sutra." (Kaimoku Sho) 

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