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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It will be much worse for them in the future.

>>>>>This is not a sectarian issue.>>>>> 

I disagree.

>>>>> Mr. Ayres' lack of mental balance is well known.  There are plenty of NST members who have posted here, with whom I have debated issues. They behaved in an entirely different manner.>>>>> 

They are like sheep waiting for the slaughter or dead men walking. This life is as if dew in the noon day sun. 

>>>>>One can debate and disagree without the furious, profane and untruthfull vitriol that Mr. Ayres heaps upon his unfortunate victims.>>>>> 

Comportment during debate is the tip of the iceberg, a minor slander, and insignificant compared to the slander of altering the teachings. 

>>>>>If he were to convert tomorrow to Kempon Hokke or Nichiren Shu or
Soka Gakkai or whatever school, he would still behave in the same manner.>>>>> 

Were he to convert to the true teachings, his behavior might not significantly change but he would lessen his karmic retribution by creating immeasureable good. It would not be unlike thousands of raging fires extinguished by a single great shower of rain. 

>>>>>The pathology operating there is much more deeply set and cannot be 
attributed simply to the fact he is a NST member.>>>>> 

 All phenomena reveal the true aspect. 

 >>>>> You do an injustice to the NST members who don't pull that kind of crap and you way oversimplify Mr. Ayres behaviour with statements such as  these.>>>> 

Ayres is like a Great King who leads by example. Those that go against the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha, and Nichiren and who fail to suffer great loss in this life will suffer a fate far worse than Ayres in the future. Ayres, in this very life is expiating his sins by demonstrating the great evil of the Nichiren Shoshu.  I don't pity Ayres. I pity those in the Nichiren Shoshu who appear to suffer no retribution in this life for their evil beliefs. It will be much worse for them in the future. 

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