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Monday, April 7, 2014

People hate being lied to by their so-called friends in faith

"Your "rewarding relationships" of today may not be there in five years. 
Are these relationship real or will they sour outside of the Gakkai?  Don't 
be surprised when your closest friends of today come to hate you someday 
because you kept them in a lie.  If people in your district leave (and some 
will, because the time is ripe for the truth to be widespread) they will 
never forgive you for allowing them to be lied to.  People hate being lied 
to....they never forgive the betrayal.  You may say that you didn't know 
better, but then, with friends like you, who needs enemies?  That's what 
they'll say.  You get the scenario that I'm trying to convey.  Put yourself 
in the shoes of someone who wakes up and resents the years spent in SGI. 
Can you blame them?  What about yourself?  It's like trying to keep a 
family going after being told that your husband has sexually abused your 
children?  Some people actually do continue on as if nothing happened. 
But, once you've been told otherwise, you can't go back to "business as 
usual".  It will not be the same.  What would your children say if you were 
told about sexual abuse and you ignored it?  What would the Buddhas think 
if you close your eyes and deny everything?  Since they reside in your 
mind, you can't escape them.  You can only cut yourself off from them, 
which is exactly what the Devil King is hoping that you'll do.  However, the 
retribution for the sin of "yodozai" (complicity) becomes more serious when 
you knowingly partake in a deception that strikes at the heart of the Lotus 
Sutra.  Suddenly, the stakes are a lot more hazardous.  So, do yourself a 
favor and re-examine Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra, as if you never heard 
anything from the SGI/NST before. 

If, after that, you can live with "doublethink", then you've chosen   your 
path , based upon a careful evaluation of all the facts. Otherwise, your 
decision is based on ignorance and you have to live with your head in the 
sand. Either way, the situation will not  remain static.  Changes will 
come about within the SGI/NST that cannot be diverted or, 
the feelings that you have  today may undergo some inescapable soul 
searching in the  not-to-distant future."

Stephanie Maltz

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