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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Stephen Shonin Paine's Experience

I was very mad at first and vented my anger at the leaders. Then what 
these leaders did is try to turn my wife against me, because I was 
now a slanderer as far as they were concerned. It seemed then they 
were trying to destroy our relationship which was very troubling. 
Then they accused me of not taking care of the "members" among other 
things, which couldn't be farther from the truth. They accused me of 
taking a members money on a car.  I use to fix up old cars and sell 
them. One member wanted to buy a car from me so he went to the bank 
and got financing and bought the car. I made nothing on it I only got 
my cost out. Well he didn't make the payments and the bank called me 
as I had co-sign for the  car I had to make the payments. I  felt 
very bad I had to take the car back I told my friend that if he could 
catch up I would let him have the car back as he was already three 
months behind I had no choice. Of course they twisted it all around 
never asking me my side of the story telling all the members I wasn't 
to be trusted.       

My YMD Headquarters leader never helped me with my Chapter at all. He 
only wanted to be in the lime light at the kaikan. He had to be in 
control of everything. When I told him I needed help to take care of 
all the new "members", he was to busy with administrative things. 
They wanted us to get results in the August shakabuku campaign and I 
did. He told the other leaders I was not following him and giving him 
trouble, I supported this leader with all my heart. I swear I went 
almost every night to do home visitation, and no leaders would help. 
If you were to ask anyone of those people in that chapter they will 
tell you the truth. They told everyone in the organization these 
things to justify taking away my position and many were confused 
because they saw all the effort I had made. I would challenge anyone 
to prove anything I say not to be true! 

On about Feb., 10th 1997 I had correspondence with the vice YMD 
general Director of SGI-USA  and presented him with some questions. 
Later, after several weeks I received a very rude e-mail and he tells 
me he's going on a trip and wont be able to get back to me for 
several months. So I quickly wrote him and said please forward my 
e-mail and  these question to the study department.  I am still in 
shock, please remember now these are question regarding the validity 
of the Dai-Gohonzon among many other important documented issues. I 
have heard nothing back so far. All of a sudden it comes to me that 
this is how its always been. I have had trouble with leaders, every 
time I ask a controversial question the leader treats you like your a 
trouble maker. When all I wanted was a real documented answer. Why 
does NSA or SGI always responded with anger if asked a question about 
our views or organizational issues, were only trying to deepen our 
faith, and have a seeking mind and now I would be talked about as a 
slander or crazy person. From my experience most leaders if you get 
on their wrong side will say anything about you to justify what they 
have done.     

There are many other horror stories. However I forgive any YMD and 
"members" who have slandered me, as I know you were only going on 
what the leaders said, and I do not hold a grudge or ill feelings 
against any leaders as you are as much a victim as I have been and 
sincerely wish for all of your happiness. I am telling this story to 
illustrate that these kind of issues are wide spread throughout this 
SGI organization and others. Because of human control and distorted 
views. And these things I have mentioned are just the tip of the 
iceberg. There are many people that have had similar experiences, 
however enough of all that!!,  I wanted to give my side of the story 
as I was never given the chance at the time, or ever asked.  I am 
convinced the reason we have had so many problems in this 
organization is because of the views we adhere to. "Impure minds" and 
the leader "member" relationship which I will address later in more 
detail.  Nevertheless my punishment came from my adherence and 
association to erroneous views and slander of the Original Shakyamuni 
Buddha and going against the true intent of the Lotus Sutra. 
However, I do owe a debt of gratitude to NSA and Daisaku Ikeda for 
making it possible for me to have faith in this Gohonzon. It has been 
my expedient means, and there are many great memories that I will 
always cherish. I really want to especially thank Mr Williams for his 
dream for all the American "members"and his inspiration and devotion 
to the Mystic Law. I believe their is no way anyone could really know 
all that is going on in such a large organization. And my deepest 
prayers go to Tom Russell my sponsor who was involved in a car 
accident in Arizona and has been left mentally incapacitated till 
this day. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo! to you my dear friend.       
In retrospect it has become very clear, after an exhausting and 
diligent pursuit of the truth that the direction and path that the 
Soka Gakkai and other Nichiren sects now adhere to is in no way the 
Daishonin's will, and is going against the true intent of the Lotus 
Sutra.  Nichiren Daishonin being the votary of the Lotus Sutra 
expounded Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and fulfilled his mission as 
Bodhisattva Jogyo and lived out the Buddha's predictions set forth in 
the Lotus Sutra. But to replace Shakyamuni and to say Nichiren 
Daishonin is the true or original Buddha is grave slander indeed.     
Furthermore it is clear by the Daishonin's own writings, that he 
never intended to be proclaimed the True Buddha, which has become the 
cornerstone of the Soka Gakkai's and other Nichiren based sects 
foundation on which they adhere to. As proven throughout history the 
Soka Gakkai and other Nichiren sects have been deceived by unworthy 
priests and leaders. Their doctrine has been poisoned by forgeries, 
misleading interpratations and omissions over the past 700 years. 
SGI and other sects must discard any and all erroneous doctrine and 
views and cleanse this True Buddhism of this poison, for the 
prosperity of the Lotus Sutra's profound teaching's, that were 
expounded by the Original Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha. I believe if 
they do not rid themselves of these parasite in the "Lions body", 
Buddhism will become further confused and will lose its power to save 
the people in this world. The Soka Gakkai and other sects must first 
discard all forgeries and rid it self of the following ways of 
  "Psychological dependence" 

"The primary purpose and goal of "groups" and "leaders" in the Soka 
Gakkai and other religious organizations has been to produce in the 
adherents a psychological dependence on the group and especially the 
leaders.  "Members" are taught to put all their faith, hope and trust 
in the groups' leaders which is idolatry, and actually grants 
opportunity and permission for invasion by all manner of heresy, not 
the least of which is the spirit of fear.  As a result of these 
"groups and leaders" the members are terrified by the prospect of 
punitive action which they have been taught would be emanating 
ultimately from Buddha Himself, if they are not completely submissive 
to every dictate and whim of their leaders, they are laden with 
overwhelming burdens of false guilt, isolated from other sources of 
"Truth and fellowship", and their entire life is totally immersed in 
the internal involvements of the Organization.  The outcome is heresy 
against the law of buddhism, unscriptural and even insidious, 
all-encompassing spiritual and psychological dependency on the group 
and the leaders. Because of the adherence to the following views SGI 
and other Nichiren sects are not able to"dip from the stream of the 
original converts of the Buddha".

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