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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The benevolence of Yahweh

The benevolence of Yahweh

"When ye have transgressed against the covenant of the Lord...then shall the
anger of the lord be kindled against you, and ye shall perish off quickly from
this good land he hath given you" Joshua 23:16 

"Then Joshua and his men did as the lord had instructed, for they
hamstrung the horses and burnt the chariots. On the way back, Joshua took the
land of Hazor and killed its king...Every person there was killed and the city
was burned. Then he attacked and destroyed all the other cities and those
kings. All the people were slaughtered...All the loot and cattle of the ravaged
cities were taken by the Israelis for them themselves, but they killed all the
Moses had passed the commandment on to Joshua.." Joshua 11:9-15 

"And the one who has stolen that which belongs to the Lord shall be burned with
fire, along with everything he has, for he has violated the covenant of the
lord and has brought calamity upon all of Israel.." Joshua 7:15 

"And the men of Israel stoned them to death and burned their bodies, and piled
a great heap of stones upon them...and so the feirce anger of the lord was
ended." Joshua 7:26 

Deut.Ch. 32 [paraphrase]
"They have made me very jealous of their idols....Now I, in turn, shall make
them jealous, by giving my affection to the foolish Gentile nations of the
world. For my anger has kindled a fire, that burns to the depths of the
underworld, consuming the earth and all its crops, and setting its mountains on
fire, I will heap evils upon them, and shoot them down with my arrows. I will
waste them with hunger, burning fever and fatal disease. I will devour
them! I will set wild beasts upon them, to rip them apart with their teeth, and
deadly serpents crawling in the dust. Outside-the enemies sword. Inside, the
plague--shall terrorize young men and young girls alike; the baby nursing at
the breast, And aged men...." 

"If you won't listen to the Lord your god and won't obey these laws, then all
these curses will come upon you..You will be confused and a failure in all you
do, unti lat last you are destroyed for the sin of forsaking him. He will send
disease among you until you are destroyed from the face of the land..He will
send plague, infections, fever..All these devastations shall pursue you
until you perish" Deut 28:15-22 

"If two men are fighting and the wife of one intervenes to help her by grabbing
the testicles of the other man, her hand shall be cut off without pity" [ouch!]
Deut 25:11-12 

"If a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his mother or
father...Then the men of the city shall stone him to death. In this way you
shall put away this evil from amonst yourselves." Deut. 21:18-21 

"For in the cities within the boundaries of the promised land you are to save
no one; destroy every living thing. Utterly destroy the Hittites, the Amorites,
the Canaaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. THIS IS THE

"If anyone within any village throughout your land violates your covenant with
God by worshipping other gods, the sun, moon, or stars...that man or woman
shall be taken outside the city and stoned to death" Deut. 17:2-5 

"Of course the lord your god will be merciful only if you have been obedient to
him and to his commandments......." Deut. 13:18 

"You must destroy all the nations which the lord your god delivers into your
hands. Have no pity and do not worship their gods..." Deut. 7:16 

"But the lord our god crushed him, and we conquered all his cities, and utterly

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