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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Their heads [minds] are split like a lumberjack's log.

Somewhere in these pages I believe I mentioned having lunch with some women's division members who were cold and stone-faced toward the very friendly woman working and taking the order at the counter. This woman was probably in her late 40's and part of that business for a while, or maybe the owner, rather than a smiling worker for hire, so her "ichinen" if I dare call it was natural and comforting. She was trying to engage us in conversation but these Gakkai leaders were not making eye contact and kept their mouths drawn down. I guess this woman wasn't neutral or expressing suffering so the shakabuku feelers didn't come out. It was total disdain in the body language of these SGI women. I mouthed a silent "sorry" to this woman who looked distressed at these subtle and overt displays of disrespect. (She still tried to let her genuine smile and joy of life shine through). These SGI women were normally very smily and almost giggley with members. You would have to be there, but I know it didn't feel right. I saw enough fang to convince me something was wrong with these people. -- Rattyboy

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Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Hitch ()
Date: March 27, 2012 09:39AM

I bet if that restaurant worker had expressed an interest in attending a meeting or learning about nmrk, they would have done a 180 in their demeanor. (Incidentally, if you ever fall out with some of these people, you'll be on the receiving end of the same behavior in the blink of an eye. I speak from experience.) 

In America, the worst offenders were by far the WD and to a lesser degree, the YMD. The Men's Div. were always pretty cool and normal with me. In Japan, however, it's ALL divisions. I was once making my way to a kaikan in a very busy city and the shortest, quickest route was thru a different sect's temple area. The Japanese YMD who I was with, I thought was going to practically spit on some of the people he encountered in the same area; needless to say, we wound up walking all the way around - the long way - and arrived late for our meeting (late, but still "pure" and "unslanderous"). 

This kind of stuff just isn't sane behavior.

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Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Nichijew ()
Date: March 27, 2012 05:50PM

Interesting but not surprising. For public consumption, it's all interfaith this and interfaith that but in private they disdain other religions and practitioners. Their heads [minds] are split like a lumberjack's log. 

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