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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"You just don't understand President Ikeda's greatness"

"I was asked to join a women's study group a few years back. I was under the impression that we would choose what we studied -- a Gosho, or the Lotus Sutra. Instead, at the first meeting, we were told that we would study The Human Revolution. If I'd known that -- and realized what propaganda the book actually was, I would have quit the group immediately. 

Another woman and I thought that the Human Revolution was basically SGI propaganda. Shinichi Yamamoto, the main character, who is really Ikeda, is noble, wise and self-sacrificing. So are his supporters. Anyone who opposes Ikeda/Yamamoto is evil, selfish, cowardly. About what you'd expect Ikeda to write. Not worth my time. This other woman and I gave our honest opinions, only to be told that we just "didn't understand President Ikeda's greatness." 

We both quit SGI shortly after that. 

I would be curious to read the newest installment, simply because a character that is meant to be George Williams, former director of NSA, is in it. I am told that George Williams' character is made out to be a real villain...interesting that Ikeda can write anything he wants about this character, and the loyal SGI members will totally believe every word. And if Williams or his family complain, SGI can just say, "Oh, it's just fiction." -- Tsukimoto


  1. Before I left SGI, I was encouraged to read the New Human Revolution. I suspected it was just another vehicle to glorify Ikeda, so I never bought the books. But SGI decided to serialize the books in the LB magazine. Read a few paragraphs until my suspicions were proven correct.
    I'm sure this white-washed "history" never mentioned the Ogasawara incident when President Toda decided top send men from the YMD (including Ikeda) after a priest he blamed for Makiguchi's death. Toda admitted striking the priest twice. The priest was stripped of his robes and forced to apologize at Makiguchi's grave.
    Great examples of Buddhist peace makers these guys are, eh?

  2. pseudo-Buddhist dianetics. Thanks for sharing.
