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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The honor of cleaning Daisaku Ikeda's toilet and other matters

"Davis (current spokesman) was quickly returned to the fold and sent to the church’s offices in Clearwater, Florida, where he was required to clean toilets with a toothbrush for a week." -- report on Scientology
As Soka Gakkai security, we were required to clean the toilets in the community centers and it was a great honor to be able to clean Ikeda's toilet in his personal apartment, even though he never stayed there. Gakkai leaders are much more enlightened than the Clears. They let you use toilet brushes instead of tooth brushes. It really wasn't so bad cleaning Ikeda's toilet, nobody ever used it. Maybe that is why it was such an honor. It was such a relief that we didn't have to clean the public toilets. Thank you Sensei.

By the way...
The bathroom fixtures in Ikeda's personal apartments were golden, very shiny unlike Ikeda's life condition. The carpets were plush like the floor of Nichiren Daishonin's hut and two inches thick. The furniture was the finest most comfortable money could buy and nobody used them either. This is where your donations go. There and in the pockets of the top senior leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Let us not believe for a moment that the SGI temples [community centers], often located on prime real estate throughout the world, are for the benefit of the members. They are financial investments for the multi-national religious corporation. Soka Gakkai is the largest Japanese holder of real estate in the entire world.
