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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is it possible for Soka Gakkai cult members to be honest with themselves?

Found this on the new Rick Ross cult education forum.

Do you see any of this in the SGI?

(quote)Tuesday, October 20, 2009 
Techniques used by Gurus to control 

In the same vein as the previous post, I repeat a post from Michaels blog. It gives a different perspective on many of the pitfalls discussed here, and may be easier to recognize for some. 


Seven Techniques Used By Gurus to Control The Masses (by Michael, from his blog Inner Circle of SRCM) 

Establish High Ideals 

• Establish noble, high sounding principles, such as selfless service, closeness to God, and brotherly/sisterly love. 

• Insist that your teachings are free and the birthright of all. 

**• Demonstrate charity in a highly visible manner. 

Define and Enforce Exclusivity in the Organization 

• Every Guru must have an exclusive hook to differentiate themselves from others. 

• The exclusive nature of the system or Guru must be re-emphasized at every opportunity. 

• Disciples are trained to also extol the virtues of the system’s exclusivity in every conversation. 

Exploit a Higher Authority 

• Designate a “Higher Authority” that can be attributed to for literally everything. 

• Higher Authority must be easily identifiable by disciples. Abstract higher authorities such as “God” are generally not as effective as a dead person. 

• It is critical that the Guru can claim to be in direct communication with this Higher Authority. 

• The Guru’s example of love and servitude to this Higher Authority serves as an example to disciples as to how to treat their Guru. 

• Miracles, which happen naturally in an emotionally charged environment, can be attributed to this Higher Authority 

• Disciples will naturally transfer all things credited to the Higher Authority to their living Guru. 

Establish and Maintain an Inner Circle 

• Guru creates contentious environment around themselves for people to earn their trust. 

• Those who fight the hardest and most effectively for inner circle status are rewarded with positions of authority and grandeur. 

• The Guru must treat inner circle members with strictness and humiliation when necessary to maintain their loyalty and subservience. 

• The Hierarchy established through the Inner Circle is a critical tool for a Guru to maintain exclusive control as the organization grows. 

Foster the Image of Humility 

• The Guru will exploit any ailments or physical injuries to get sympathy by silently suffering. 

• If no physical ailments exist, the Guru can use exhaustion from serving his disciples as an ailment. 

• The Guru does not directly complain about ailments, but uses the Inner Circle to propagate stories of his humble suffering for the cause. 

Establish and Maintain Total Control 

• Demand total devotion and trust 

• Guru uses their own total devotion and trust to their “Higher Authority” as an example 

• Blame all disciples failings on not having sufficient faith in the Higher Authority or lack of dedication to the practice. 

• Establish an organization to hold and manage wealth collected. 

• Exploit that wealth through the organization, not directly 

• Enjoy the services of devoted disciples as their expression of devotion to the Higher Authority (unquote)

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