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Saturday, August 9, 2014

The very nature of those who follow unenlightened leaders

  1. Oak 1: I didn't expect a different response than that. Obviously, that's why I never said anything before now. Who has the time? I'm busy! lol But keeping track is something I do to be responsible and aware.
    The Gakkai's financial statements for the USA are published in the World Tribune these days. As in the rest of the world, there is far more questioning and consequently, a response to give more information before it is requested. Of course, that won't matter to those whose minds are set. And let's face it, nothing would
    People didn't care ENOUGH about stuff like this in the old days. The world has changed.
    Mark: Nonsense. it was the hemorrhaging of members and the clamoring from within and without that led to their financial disclosure. Everyone was already aware of the tens of millions of dollars in assets possessed by SGI USA, so no big revelation. Lets see the salary and bonuses of Danny Nagashima. I wouldn't be surprised if it approached those of the 200 top Japanese leaders, a mid six figure salary to do the exact same thing as you do for free [promote SGI faith, practice, and study,] Please remember, this does not include his various perks, use of a company car, travel and lodging expenses, financial planning costs, computer and communication reimbursement, etc. All paid for by YOU.
    Enron released yearly financials through their bogus accountants, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Anderson, Deloitte, Touche, Tomatsu, Ernst, and Young. So pardon me if I am skeptical of SGI USA's financial disclosure. Singapore has ~$70,000,000.00 in assets and the salaries and bonuses of their top executive staff is ~ $1,000,000 [how many top executive paid staff do they have, three, four?] England has ~ $28,000,000 in assets and their several top leaders all "earn" six figure salaries.  Shakyamuni Buddha had two robes and a bowl and Nichiren Daishonin lived in a hut [by their own choice]. Through the ages, most Nichiren priests led a very humble existence. The Japanese SGI business suited lay priests live like princes off of your donations.
    Oak 1: We each go where we have found access to the river running within to fuel us to live and contribute to this saha world. You do what you feel is right, and part of that, apparently, is that you spend an inordinate amount of your time and life energy picking through and creating distorted caricatures of both members and leaders of the Gakkai. You're good at it, and here, anyone who had an unpleasant interaction with another human being in the Gakkai finds a welcome ear and a home. Granted, there sure was alot of heavy-handedness in the day and probably still is in pockets. I know we've still got a couple where I am! :-) LMAO But we each take more responsibility to educate ourselves. So it can't turn pernicious.
    Mark: Ninety five percent of the SGI leaders and members whose words and behavior I highlight are their own words, experiences, interviews, news stories, and lectures, not mine. For  example, the post on the great honor of receiving a swatch of mentor's necktie is based on an SGI member's testimonial. The post of Tariq Hassan proclaiming that losing is actually winning is from a national Headquarters meeting. Joan Anderson, proclaiming that "the truth is negotiable", is her view as a very top leader of the Soka Gakkai. I couldn't make these things up. 
    Heavy-handedness is the least of SGI leaders' transgressions, especially Daisaku Ikeda's which are public record. Trying to copyright the Law of Nam[u] Myoho renge kyo is high on the list. Partnering with and investing in the largest defense contractor in Japan [Mitsubichi] while lecturing others on their responsibility to create peace is also high on the list. Promoting interfaith and mentor disciple at the expense of the Law and the actual teachings of Nichiren Daishonin is another example. Excoriating the faith and practice of the disciples and believers of the other Nichiren schools who actually follow the Law and Nichiren Daishonin is one of his most serious transgressions.  Daisaku Ikeda stabbed his most faithful disciple  George Williams in the back. Is this not  a reflection of his true nature? Lastly, Mitt Romney's flip flops pale in comparison to Daisaku Ikeda's. Need I list them?
    Oak 1: Misunderstandings and misinterpretation occur and are perpetrated by one individual or another in every group on the planet. That's one unfortunate thing that happens when humans join together. Other wonderful things happen. But that is one difficult aspect you can count predict with certainty. Pt 2 is on the way.
    Mark: Among Soka Gakkai members, misunderstandings and misinterpretations are more rampant than the demons who inhabit Japan. They are not isolated. They are ubiguitous. It is the very nature of those who follow unenlightened leaders "no matter what" that misunderstandings and misinterpretations abound. That is why Nichiren Daishonin taught over and over to follow the Law, the "original teacher" Shakyamuni Buddha, and he himself.

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