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Sunday, October 5, 2014

SGI and SGI-Gulf [Dubai and UAE]

No Buddhism, No Lotus Sutra, No Nichiren, No Shakyamuni Buddha, only Ikeda, Ikeda, SGI, SGI, Ikeda, SGI, Ikeda SGIkeda, SGIkeda....

From 12 Things Not to Do in Dubai:

"And do not under any circumstances spout any blasphemous or disparaging remarks against Islam in Dubai. This is considered a serious, punishable offense and more than a handful of foreigners have been jailed for making an off-the-cuff comment. Just have a little cultural sensitivity and refrain from any utterances that may be deemed insulting to Muslims. Furthermore, making negative comments about the ruling families or even prominent Emirati businessmen should be avoided. You may have all sorts of opinions and insights, but keep them to yourself or carefully whispered amongst your inner circle of trusted confidants to avoid trouble. Freedom of speech is not a universal right."

Yet, SGI is always stating unequivocally, "it is only we who stand up to authority and injustice. Not only are they not the only Nichiren Buddhists who stand up to authority andn injustice but they are the least likely to stand up for the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin, and injustice, let alone authority.

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