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Thursday, November 6, 2014

"One should only treasure the passages in the scriptures and treatises..."

"The Buddha says determining the future, "Depend upon the teaching, not upon the people. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna says, "If one depends upon the scripture it is a correct argument; if one does not depend upon the scripture it is an incorrect argument." T'ien-t'ai says, "Again, if it conforms to the scripture, quote and use it. If there is no corresponding sentence or corresponding meaning, then one should not believe and accept. " Dengyo says, "Depend upon what the Buddha taught, not upon the oral tradition." If one follows these scriptures, treatises and commentaries, then one should not base oneself on dreams. Once should only treasure the passages in the scriptures and treatises..."

1 comment:

  1. I prefer reading the writings of Nichiren Diashonin (Gosho) before other so called expert’s interpretations why get caught up in the tributaries when you can go straight to the source? I respect the uniqueness of the different Religions and Philosophies by being mindful to not twist and distort the original tenants upon which they were founded, that I see so much in those that call themselves Disciples. Why don’t they have the courage to stand up for themselves and start their own religion or find something similar to what they believe in? It maybe because they have no principles and shame, lacking consideration for others who came to the faith because they were attracted to the core beliefs of Nichiren Buddhism, they don’t seem to care who they hurt as long as they have power and control as their vehicle to push their own brand of deluded agenda. Where are the human rights that they are always harping on about surely not in their behaviour. Such are the hypocritical ways of the world,and wide is the road to Hell that many are travelling
