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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Who wins the Nichiren debate? Some possible scenarios

1. Reverend Iwaki of the Nichiren Shoshu puts everyone to sleep with his broken English and long winded explanations based on Tendai esoterism. NST wins by default.
2. The NST lay representative will consistently run out of time citing his priests' views before touching on the Lotus Sutra and Gosho. NST loses
3.Another NST lay representative will totally ignore the topic. NST loses.
4. Dave Cole will assert that it is all in the protocol we agreed upon at the Ceremony In the Air to worship the DaiGohonzon together and therefore, not one bit of documentary or theoretical evidence is necessary. The judges, their water having been spiked with 30 hits of LSD, realize this for themselves. NST wins.
5. SGI will either bribe the judges or surreptitiously place SGI members as judges. SGI wins.
6. Julian SGI fails to cite the Gosho or the Lotus Sutra, claiming, that the Lotus Sutra, Gosho, and even daily Gongyo, are unimportant if one understands the heart of the mentor. SGI loses.
7. Soren SGI will argue that the lifeblood of faith is only found within the body of believers who are already Buddhas (the SGI) and therefore, everyone who tries to refute SGI is a slanderer. SGI loses.
8. Kathy asserts that no one except Ted Morino and Danny Nagashima read Classical Japanese and understands what Nichiren actually taught and therefore, we should defer to their wisdom and understanding. SGI loses.
9. Ted Morino, being privy to the SGI study departments internal memo of all the passages of the Gosho that were changed by the SGI, cites all ten of them. He has everyone bamboozled until Reverend Shinkei points out what the Daishonin really taught. In his failed effort at obfuscation, he falls back on the New Human Revolution, the Guidance Memo, and the World Tribune. Perceiving that the SGI might lose, he recounts his experience at having overcome, mental illness, a fungating brain tumor, hemorrhoids and AIDS. The judges are profoundly moved. SGI wins.
10. The SGI members, citing the guidance of their eternal mentor on determination and victory in order to bring forth their human revolution, strive to create a brilliant and warm atmosphere of open dialogue while determining to manifest ever more victorious effort to never fail to win, no matter what. Everyone's head begin to spin and all decide to go get some White Castle hamburgers and recover.

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