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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dave Baldschun SGI Vice Study Chief is Dumbo Jumbo, cousin of Mumbo Jumbo

The following is from Dave Baldschun's "seminal" [to SGI members] essay, Will the Real Shakyamuni Buddha Please Stand Up 

[full refutation to follow]:

Dave: Once Nichiren Daishonin identified this Law as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni can be viewed from their most profound perspective. In other words, this Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past and who eternally continues to guide people is an attribute that is a function of the Mystic Law-the fundamental Law of the universe...
Me: Here Dave may be rightfully accused of being Dumbo Jumbo, cousin to Mumbo Jumbo. The Buddha is not a mere attribute of a function [reminds me of "a mockery of a travesty of a sham" -- Three Stooges]. Get this straight Dave, the most profound perspective is that the Buddha is a flesh and blood being possessing the Three Thousand Worlds in One, exactly as you and I and it is he who guides us to Namu myoho renge kyo, Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment, and the Buddha's Land.

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