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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Excellent synopsis of the facts or don't get your panties in a bunch SGI and NST by Mark S.

Karla wrote: 

> Sorry Everyone .... Correction .... Not Niko - Nikko (big difference 
> in role I'll admit - not a big difference in sound or spelling 
> unfortunately) However the truth remains the same. In the early days 
> of the Minobu Sect many letters to followers were burned - this didn't 
> apply to the big treatises. 

There seems to be an order of debate that consistently appears when 
Taisekiji followers are closely questioned about their core doctrines 
(Super Dai-Gohonzon, Nichiren as the Eternal Buddha, Buddhist Papacy, 
Nikko as sole heir to Nichiren). First there is the discovery that there 
is no support for any of these claims in the  major treaties written by 
Nichiren. Then the letters of Nichiren that have been translated into 
English are examined and still no help for these theories. Surely then, 
discussion of Nikko as sole heir or the supremacy of the  Dai-Gohonzon and 
the like, must be found in precious letters or treatises not yet 
translated. This step had sustained Taisekiji partisans here in the USA 
for many years until the recent modes of faster communication began and 
several American Nichiren Scholars coming on the scene and the 
untranslated could now be examined.. No support in untranslated gosho can 
be found either. 

Now where to turn for the vital evidence? Perhaps the letters  or 
documents by the second generation, such as the Ongi Kuden attributed to 
Nikko. It turns out that this and some other documents attributed to Nikko 
where not written by him at all, but appeared on the scene much after his 
death. When examined by experts in such documents, we find out that they 
are clearly forgeries (see Jacqueline Stones "Some Disputed Writings in 
the Nichiren Corpus", UMI Publications 1800521-0600 to order).  The Ongi 
Kuden isn t going to convince anyone except the already converted. 
Finally  comes the end game excuse. "There was plenty of documentation for 
Taisekiji s core doctrines, but the evil Minobu Branch burned them all".   
A few points. I have heard of only one large fire at Minobu.It took place 
in the late nineteenth century. A few documents were lost, most notably 
the original of the Kaimoku Sho [The Opening of the Eyes]. However, the 
nineteenth century is late in the history of Nichiren Buddhism and the 
Kaimoku Sho had been copied and written about enough times that we 
can rely with certainly on those copies to learn what it said . No help for 
Taisekiji in that event. 

To argue the case for burning further, the precious proof documents must 
have been burned in secret. But as Petry points out, the "Nichiren Shu" is 
a modern organization comprised of many many formally independent Nichiren 
sects. Shades of O.J. ! That would be quite a conspiracy to root out and 
burn letters in Nichiren's or Nikko s own hand scattered across the land. 
Plus how about the other major school of Nichiren, the Shoretsu? Who 
got them to root out any letters they may have had? 

Think about what it would have taken to actually burn these supposed 
documents. It would require that not a single person would have objected 
to removing a hand written letter from Nichiren and throwing it into 
a fire. No fear of going to Hell, no sense of betraying Nichiren. Just 
cold calculated Temple politics. 

Finally, (and I think this point puts a wooden stake into the heart of 
Taisekiji claims) where is the side chatter? Where are letters from the 
thousands of other Priests and learned lay people commenting on, or even 
vaguely referring to these Taisekiji doctrines? Nissho, Nichiro, Niko, 
Nichiji and their subordinate Priests and all of their lay followers 
never wrote to anyone? Not one letter survives. Not one passing 
reference to the Dai-Gohonzon or to any specific instance of Gosho 
burning.? Hard to believe. 
Subject: Dai-Mandala 
Master Nichiren inscribed the central object of worship for all mankind 
today. Suggest we ignore. Careful to never mention to any of our followers 
or ever write about it. I will keep the Master drunk on Sake  for several 
years so he can't object to, or notice our plan. 
Subject: That Bastard Nikko 
Master Nichiren wrote out a document today transferring sole leadership of 
the Sangha to Nikko. It seemed to be his dying wish. Suggest we ignore. 
Never mention to anyone or write about it. I will keep Nikko drunk on Sake 
so he won t be able to write about it either. 
For more info. On authentic Nichiren Buddhism, 
please travel to Kamakura 
Subject: Eternal Buddha is who? 
As one of Master Nichiren s closest and longest followers, I know, cause 
he told me so , that He was the Eternal Buddha, not Shakyamuni. Why has 
nothing been written about this? What happened to all of the Masters 
writings that mention this. Are you guys burning them? 
Pants in a bunch 

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