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Sunday, December 14, 2014

"No one has two fathers or two mothers."

Letter of Petition from Yorimoto

"The Lotus Sutra states, "Now this threefold world is all my
domain. The living beings in it are all my children." If this
scriptural statement is correct, then Lord Shakyamuni is the
father and mother, teacher and sovereign of all the people in
Japan. However, you ignore the Buddha of the three virtues and
invoke the name of another Buddha [Amida] day and night, morning
and evening, sixty or eighty thousand times a day. Is this not
a unfilial deed? It was Shakyamuni Buddha himself who originally
taught that Amida had vowed to save all people; but in the end
he regretted it and said, "I alone can save them." After that,
he never again taught that there were two or three Buddhas who
can save the people. No one has two fathers or two mothers."

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