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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Three translations of one passage

"At this time the countless Bodhisattvas of the Earth will appear and establish in this country the object of devotion, foremost in Jambudvipa, that depicts Shakyamuni Buddha of the essential teaching attending the eternal Buddha." -- Latest SGI translation of a Gosho passage from The True Object of Worship [based on the Nichiren Shoshu's modern Japanese Gosho Zenshu.

"Now is when the Bodhisattvas of the Earth will appear in this country and establish the supreme object of worship on the earth which depicts Shakyamuni Buddha of the essential teaching attending the true Buddha." -- Older SGI translation also based on the Gosho Zenshu]. 

"This is the very time when the original disciples of the Buddha will spring up from underground, attend both sides of the Eternal Buddha [Shakyamuni] revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra and establish in this land of Japan the supreme object of worship in the world." -- Nichiren Shu's translation of the same passage from the Showa Tehon,  the Gosho in its original form.

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