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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Let the market decide?

"I think the SGI's vocabulary works fine for some people, and thats ok. Let the market decide, it always does." -- Some Nichiren Buddhist pundit

We've let the market decide for several thousand years and we have billions of Muslims and Christians and hundreds of millions of Hindus and Buddhists. Greed, anger, and stupidity has propelled the market. Another example, Duck Dynasty and the Kardashians are raking in millions of dollars while thousands of superb classically trained actors and musicians are waiting on tables. If we continue to let the market decide, soon [in scores or hundreds of years], the world may become uninhabitable. Enlightened leaders and laws and, to a lesser extent, enlightened followers are the answer [at least in the short term, enlightened leaders are more important than enlightened followers]. The means to cultivate enlightened leaders [and followers], according to Nichiren, are the forceful practices of the Lotus Sutra or telling it like it is. Like it is, is chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo with utmost devotion.

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