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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Aunti Religion says...

1. Vietnam is not a Japanese word.
2. Nam is ONE character.
3. Nam Mu is TWO characters.
4. Nichiren NEVER, NEVER, NEVER wrote SIX Characters
5. Nichiren ALWAYS wrote SEVEN Characters for Nam Mu Myo Ho Renge Kyo
6. If Nichiren wanted to say Nam Myoho Renge Kyo... He would have done so.
7. Every Mandala has NAM MU MYO HO RENGE KYO
8. After the Muromachi period, it became custom in Japan to drop vowels, or swallow them when talking. However that was after Nichiren passed away. 
9. Jose Toda asked the High Priest of Nichiren Shosho to change Nam Mu to Nam so the Soka Cockeye could chant caffeine 100 mph. What if he asked if it were OK if the members could jump in front of the Tokyo Subway Express?
10. It is ridiculous to ask a priest or friend or some crack pot if Nam is ok, ask Nichiren, he never wrote NAM ... HE always wrote Nam Mu Myo Ho Renge Kyo

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