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Sunday, October 25, 2015

We are joyful and at peace

Namu Myoho renge kyo is translated, "The Sublime [or Wonderful] Dharma of the Lotus Flower Sutra". It is a diamond scalpel for excising delusion. Yet, this diamond scalpel in the hands of the faithless, unwise, malevolent, or selfish, can be used to create delusion and misery. Similarly, a scalpel in the hands of skilled neurosurgeon can remove a highly malignant brain tumor but, in the hands of a desperate prisoner, it can be used to cut his guards throat. 

Nichiren teaches that Daimoku is like gold and it is the same gold in the hands of a fool and in the hands of a wise man. Still, Nichiren never advocated for foolishness. The SGI has taken the diamond scalpel and pure gold of the Lotus Sutra and created misery while squandering the true benefits of the Sublime Dharma. 

Nichiren teaches not to give up the gold just because the bag in which it is lying is dirty. We have thrown away the dirty bag of the Soka Gakkai and retained the gold of the Lotus Sutra. We are joyful and at peace.

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