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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton's fine legacy


  1. I dunno how to correctly address our upcoming presidential election fiasco - could there be any pure, sincere candidate arising from this slander pit our country had become ?

    Lesser of two evils ? Okay - I choose " the woman " -- at the very least she has demonstrated forbearance and constant devotion - " traits " the guy does not possess - Trump is a " bum kisser" and a " bully" --
    Whose only accomplishment is personal wealth -- a little too much like Daisaku, if you ask me 😬


    1. i agree katie. however, the causes that have been made(renge) in this country for the last fifty years should frighten any sane person. the american people(sgi etc and more) refuse to wake up, therefore, they will get what they deserve. it does not look good. i don't doubt that you see that the problem in this country is much bigger than who is president. its rotten from the roots up, and we know why. but yes.....the lesser of two evils.
      namu myoho renge kyo!!!!!

    2. Hi Greg. I can imagine submitting my "Rissho" - recinding tax exempt status from SGI. to Hillary - I don't think Trump can read 🙀


  2. Saw the debate tonight between the president and Bill Clinton's wife. Interesting election this year. May the best man win.

    1. Notice the similarities between Trump and Ikeda? Continues to spew falsehoods even when his lies are exposed and he is fact- checked by nearly everyone !

      Yes - Trump is a " legend in his own mine" - " Money Talks" - sums up
      His talking points --😀

      If money could speak if would sound just like Donald Trump.

      The only Baffoon who thinks he is more adored by " everyone" is Daisaku Ikeda !

      I am certain only s woman can stay the course against the obnoxious behavior of a megalomaniac !!

      Secretary Clinton has great experience for this task and has shown praise worthy forbearance .

      Just so happens I am able to recognize her strengths -- from personal experience with SGI Boston leaders 😊

      Namu- Myoho- Renge-Kyo !!

      Cheers, Greg !!

    2. not long ago i posted on my Facebook page to whomever should read it: "if you are angry...fine. maybe you should be. but, just make sure you are angry at the right people for the right reasons. otherwise, your anger is just a waste".

      why do we only have two choices? which really means one has one choice.

      replacing something bad with something ten times worse(ikeda/hitler) is just stupid. certainly, not the answer.

      this may be only my opinion - this country(the world), has steadily been in decline for forty years or more(drastically). the lotus sutra was taught for the illness of modern mankind. up to this point, it has been hijacked, rejected by the arrogant, and slandered by the ignorant/blind. what we uphold is ugly, mean, and truly horrifying. lying is upheld by far too many, and turning ones back on what is right is common. it goes on and on, and on. everyday i chant for my doubt things will only get worse from here. there is no jesus coming to save us.

      won't the arrogant , angry, greedy and stupid people of the latter age feel the weight of regret when they realize, the answer to their grief has, from long, long ago been here! gratitude to the buddha.
      namu myoho renge kyo!

    3. recently i heard this in a movie and it made me laugh"

      "if you want to know what God thinks of money.....just look at who he gives it to" LOL

  3. Greg, what brought that on, Masaru as Rita Repulsa?

    1. i remember masaru from fraught w peril days. i have seen its name pop up on the kempon hokke site while they slander you, shinkei,and others.i remember he/she, i think a he, as "not" a follower of nichiren. who knows what it claims or what its agenda is showing up here. i find its comment sly and highly insulting to the first serious female candidate of my country.

      if i am wrong and it is a sincere seeker of the way, say so and i admit that i was wrong and i will apologize. otherwise, for me , it stands.

  4. Check this out Katie:

    1. I have seen far greater evil perpetrated by the countenance Trump exudes -- not saying Hillary is a saint by any means-- but I have *visceral* radar for what I know first hand is literally killing our kids, and it does not reside in women.


  5. Who of us hasn't made mistakes? Even Nichiren chanted the Nembutsu. Masaru never slandered me directly although he burned a Gohonzon I bestowed on him,I could never bestow upon him another Gohonzon save for extraordinary circumstances. But he doesn't require a Gohonzon from me because he already possesses one and he can easily download and print one.

  6. i see it a little differently, but yes , everyone has made mistakes. if you welcome masaru.....then as a supporter of this site , i welcome him as well.

    welcome masaru and i apologize to you for my ugly temper. hopefully , we can worship the gohonzon together. cheers all.

  7. I think that he once apologized to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren for his error. I may or may not be worthy of an apology.
