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Sunday, September 25, 2016

With the SGI at the helm

Everyone loves a good rally. Tony Robbins has made tens of millions of dollars off feel good big and small rallies. SGI too puts on a great show for the members: Bands a playin’; motivational speakers, one after another; testimonials; banners and songs. “We are all Buddhas.” “SGI will make world peace a reality.” “Lets all destroy the evil Nikken sect.” But looking more closely (and one doesn’t need to look real close), the Emperor Ikeda and his minions, have no clothes. There is no substance. It is all smoke and mirrors or froth on the ocean. The bad thing is that in times of real crises, the members are lost, abandoned, and humiliated. The rally becomes a whisper of gossip and innuendo. “He is sick because he has weak faith.” “His wife left him because he never attended meetings.” “He is being punished for not following guidance.” The list goes on and on. The Lotus Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin, on the other hand, will never let you down. They will never abandon their children, they will ferry you across the great sea of suffering and will gently place you on the other shore. With the SGI at the helm, when you reach the last moment of your life, you will experience a myriad of regrets and sorrow. With Shakyamuni Buddha at the helm you will experience the joy of joys.

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