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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Who in their right mind would choose a Nichikan Gohonzon over a Nichiren Gohonzon?

"When you chant the daimoku of this sutra, you should be aware that it is a more joyful thing than for one who was born blind to gain sight and see one’s father and mother, and a rarer thing than for a man who has been seized by a powerful enemy to be released and reunited with his wife and children." -- Nichiren

SGI Singapore members, on the other hand, have become so delusional thanks to the SGI teachings that instead of feeling an auspicious opportunity for great gain, they feel a sense of great loss. It is thanks to the warped and bizarre SGI teachings and their evil spiritual "friend" [Ikeda] that they have become nothing but whiny cry babies. Who in their right mind would choose a Nichikan Gohonzon over a Nichiren Gohonzon? Now that they are free from the oppressive teachings of Ikedaism, they have the rare opportunity to trade rocks [the Nichikan Gohonzon] for jewels [the Nichiren Gohonzon]. We will show them how.

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