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Thursday, September 29, 2016

With whom did Sense err?

Did Sensei err in appointing Mr. Williams and the General Director of Singapore?

"There were also feedbacks on Ex-General Director doing things in his own way instead of following SGI guidelines and bringing members close to the mentor."

Did Sensei also err with Danny Nagashima, Mr. Samuels, Mr. Zaitsu, Mr. Kaneda, Mr. Asomani, and Mr. name a few?

1 comment:

  1. "Did Sensei also err with Danny Nagashima, Mr. Samuels, Mr. Zaitsu, Mr. Kaneda, Mr. Asomani, and Mr. name a few?" Thatcs so harsh Mark (not), ever SGI member knows that Sensei never errs. It's just the SGI General Director 8 Winds merry go round. And these brave pioneers are trialling this new ride for the soon to be opened SGI Themepark, which will rival Disney for imaginative story telling and life and death bare knuckles excitement.

    You forgot Ricky Banes by the way, I wonder how long Robert Samuel's replacement, another Robert, will last...?

    The uncharitable might say they get moved on when their noses start wrinkling as they start to pick up the scent of the stench amd start joining the dots. Sad for some, the dawning realisation that SGI isn't a buddhist organisation but just a front for a corporate enterprise. The labyrinthine murkiness of which they'd just begun to understand.

    Still that's karma. I wonder if any of them practice once they get away. The UK one's end up as "special advisers" and are rarely seen again.

    Is it the pension? Or just the shame? Or fear? Or a little bit of each? Who knows.
