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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Indoctrinated into Ikedaism rather than Buddhism.

"It was however, in retrospect, a rather enclosed, insular world which in a way cut itself off from society. When I first met the Buddhist leader, Dick Causten, he said in a very peroquial way to me “I am here to teach you Buddhism”. This is obviously what he thought but I think his statement was misplaced. He was an arrogant, charismatic man who was hardly a spiritual leader. There were regular meetings and impassioned sermons about changing individual and group karma by chanting. It then became apparent that there was an overseeing heirachy which was controlling and dictated the kinds of themes and discussion material that were produced by the head office. These themes were produced by the dominating figure of the worldwide organization called the Sokka Gakkai. His name is Daisaku Ikeda and he was in fact producing and creating a form of Buddhism which was to do with Ikeda and the way that Ikeda viewed and understood life. We were being indoctrinated into Ikedaism rather than Buddhism. It was a very subtle process. In 1976, there were a handful of Buddhists chanting in England and what was initially clarifying and intense and life changing gradually became hierachical, controlling, demanding and distorting. This was because the interpretations that they put on the teachings of the Buddha were distorted by the Japanese hierarchy. There was also a lot of favoritism on who was to be this leader or that leader of a particular division a. And the organization was divided into mens division, womens, young womens, young mens and childrens division. I would not say it was like the moonies but you can accept anything if you get used to it. So theory, thought, discussion were gradually relegated to advisors and people who gave guidance. These people had no experience in guidance and no understanding of counseling in any shape or form. They were chosen by the hierarchy on high according on what was considered to be their depth of faith. Empowerment was given to some and not to others, dependent upon the foibles and ideas of the various leaders who somehow thought they had a direct conduit to the infinite through their depth of faith. This is how an organization initially democratic and based on the significance and importance of the individual becomes distorted into a church and a hierarchy which disguises all its various conflicts and rituals under the disguise of faith."


  1. Probably the main thing that pushed me out of SGI, was the all Ikeda all the time. I felt this is not even about Buddhism, but just about Ikedaism, or Ikeda Humanism.... and just a platform for the worship of Ikeda and his egomaniac goals. It was just all about the SGI organization, and "Sensei", mentor... bla bla bla... Of course what Nichiren Buddhism one can get out of SGI is the positive, and what attracted me at the start. And they would call NST the Nikken Sect... yet Ikeda was the 3rd President, but they are on their 5th President now, and it's still Ikeda Ikeda Ikeda(they should chant that), and no mention ever of the 4th or 5th SGI Presidents... yet Nikken has not been HP for many years now.... SGI is the Ikeda sect... Ikeda Shu.

    1. hey tim...yes, what you say about ikeda/sgi is all true and it is very good that you can see this(eyes open). when i joined in july 1967 the organization was called nichiren shoshu of america = nsa. the shoshu and the sgi were one. as i said before, neither really follow nichiren or the original buddha. the issue for everyone is what do they uphold and pledge to. seek real buddhism. cheers!

    2. Hi Tim,

      One important point you are missing-- and it actually was mentioned early on after the "split"; that both NST and SGI are based on the same [heretical] doctrines- . Early on, many members on "both sides" were pleading for the SGI and NST to focus on what they shared in common-- as a means to resolve the "conflict". I now believe that disregarding their shared "doctrines" was contrived, and this paved the way for the competition over patrons cloaked in a "cult of personality" mentality-- , an ego battle between Ikeda and Nikken--extending to all future "high priests".

      Both SGI and their perverse parent Shohsu, abandon Shakyamuni and discard the Lotus Sutra. Both chant "Nam" a nonexistent term in Nichiren's writings; that they actually changed "Namu" which Nichiren designated as the prefix for "myoho-renge-kyo"-- !! THIS drastically changes the essential teaching/practice--FROM: "devoting one's life to the Lotus Sutra" to "dedicating one's resources to an organization that promises personal gain"--

      Would have been very helpful for Ikeda and Nikken to acknowledge their doctrines are the same, which we now know were based on the same "forgeries"-- But no!, owing largely to the massive, purposeful/contrived ignorance of their lay believes, BOTH counted on no one figuring out they are one and the same from their rotten roots to their phony branches!!

      SGI and NST propagate that there is a REAL choice to be made-- and that THEY are the ONLY options: Choose SGI or NST !! How long does it take for one who is seeking the teachings of the Buddha to realize that there is NO BUDDHA in these multi billion dollar "organizations"--? just arrogant false sages, leading millions astray and causing widespread misery for "the people".

      Read the Gosho-- for starters-- thereafter your eyes will be open-- and you will SEE the validation of Nichiren's true teachings right here in the archives @ Eagle Peak!!


    3. the cause for trump in the world is the sgi/nichiren shoshu. neither like the truth. look no further for the cause of this phenomena.

  2. Ray abundance of genetic damage of barn swallows at Fukushima.

  3. I have a gosho but is it real I bought it from SGI?

    1. nonymous5 ..not sure what you mean by your comment. do u follow nichiren?

    2. anonymous 5... is the dai-gohonzon real?

    3. regarding your question.... many are legitimate , however, some translations are not accurate and some goshos are phonies. the poppa editions are better translations. lets talk.
