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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Nichiren takes a back seat to Daisaku Ikeda in the SGI

"When learning about Buddhism it is essential we read the publications of Daisaku Ikeda, Nichiren's writings being solely for reference!" -- SGI-UK Youth Division Leader


  1. Well, I seem to remember being told when I was practicing with SGI that the New Human Revolution was the Gosho for today.

  2. It is essential to note that NST disregards the teachings of Nichiren in exactly the same manner as it's errant child , SGI !! Where do you think SGI got the notion that Nichiren, not Shakyamuni, is the original Buddha? Whose "forged documents" does SGI base its heretical teachings on ??

    Looks like you jumped form the frying-an into the fire!! Not the first--for sure!! Please do take note that there is something very strange about SGI/NST doing battle over patrons and NEVER coming to terms with their having exactly the same flavor of "heretical teachings".


    1. i agree katie. the above post by eagle peak is similar to a buddhist cartoon. neither the sgi or the shoshu can find support, in the legitimate goshos for what either one of them teach and practice . keep them dumb and ignorant is more truthful. the only difference between the shoshu and sgi is that the parent(shoshu) has a 650 year head start in their slander of the original buddha and his highest teaching the lotus sutra....
      namu myoho renge kyo.

      tim, everybody wants to belong to something. that is why cults are successful. cause and effect is strict(renge). what we see in the world today are the negative effects of slandering the law. this why the buddha taught the lotus sutra and why nichiren made his appearance in the latter age. if you are going to practice buddhism...follow what niciren really taught. faith, practice, you know, these are the three pillars of a healthy buddhist practice. nichiren taught that the cornerstone for all three is faith first and foremost. faith is everything. study means to study the buddhas teachings(law), it does not mean ikeda, the high priest of joe silly-pants who has a nice car. nichiren is the teacher for the latter day. if one turns their back on him, it is a grave slander. both the shoshu and sgi have turned their backs. you can prove this to yourself by listening to nichiren. cheers!

  3. Can somebody please explain the correct format we need to practice the daimoku and how to correctly pronounce it. I'm trying to practice without slander please help!

    1. our friend mark will reply soon.

      what nichiren wrote and chanted is NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO!
      namu is one beat, then myo(one beat), ho(one beat), kyo(one beat). it can be heard some places on youtube.
      the way sgi and the nichiren chant is incorrect and truncated.
      possibly one can receive some benefit from chanting a incorrect daimoku(because faith is the issue), but what they chant is not what nichiren chanted. if you wish to avoid slander really...then steer clear of sgi and the shoshu. according to nichiren...buddhism is faith, practice and study. if you study nichiren you will realize for yourself why we discourage allegiance to sgi or shoshu, and why nichiren would also.

    2., ge one beat each.

    3. so anonymous....what do u think?

  4. We should chant Namu Myoho renge kyo whether standing, sitting, laying down, or walking about.
