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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Maxwell is unlearned, unstudied, lacks in critical thinking, and has no seeking spirit for the truth.

Ever wonder why Nichiren never once in the fifty years of his preaching life wrote Nam Myoho renge kyo? Why he always, in every letter, in every treatise, and on every Gohonzon, wrote Namu Myoho renge kyo but the Soka Gakkai in the their myriad publications has not written or spoken Namu Myoho renge kyo in more than 25 years? SGI members have never wondered about this. They are unlearned, unstudied, lack in critical thinking, and have no seeking spirit for the truth.


  1. And if he thinks that he can come here acting all friendly and we will reciprocate towards an unrepentant slanderer, he has another thing coming.

    1. Mark, forgot to ask, but you said "has not written or spoken Namu... in more than 25 years?...please explain the time-line and what you thing the reason for their avoidance.

    2. One can not be a disciple or believer in Nichiren and at the same time be a member of the SGI. Are you still a member Maxwell? Are you "Top Senior Leader" from Fraught with Peril?

  2. Unlearned?...guilty as charged!
    Lacks in critical thinking?...not more than you have assumed!
    Has no seeking spirit?...there my dear boy, you are wrong! Maybe not to the extent that you and the other two members of the Eagle Peak Big 3....Greg and Katie, but you should be a little more appreciative what you have here....wisdom dear Mark and tact, may have the right message, but you need schooling in, "how to win friends and influence people"....yep dude, we need to send you to the Dale Carnegie School, and I would be willing to pay your tuition and provide you with one good hot meal a day while attending.....but, I want to see your report card at sessions end - especially the good behavior part. And Katie, you need to bring all this testosterone under some rational order needs a womanly touch....Trump is incorrigible, Mark is, I believe, correctable. Now Mark, I stumbled on something that I want to bring to light, but not here in this retort....I'll bring it into focus in a more recent reply.....

  3. Nichiren never read how to win friends and influence people nor was he practiced in the art of false humility. He only cared that his disciples and believers practiced correctly.

  4. Nichirens renegade disciples criticized Nichiren for his forceful practice. You wouldn't be renegade disciple would you Maxwell?
