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Sunday, March 11, 2018

"This is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. There are not two Buddhas" -- Nichiren

"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: “The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.”

In volume one of On “The Words and Phrases,” we read: “There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.”

And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: “In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.”


  1. Ikedas organizaion and komeitosuppoert arming japan with nuclear weapons and keeping nuclear reactors opened on the 7th aniversary of the ongoing, fukushima disaster.
    The Japanese Govt, does not give a shit about it's people. Otherwise they would close all nuclear power plants, in Japanand the Ikedaites would help them if they cared about life. Especially since, there have been numerous, dangerous earthquakes there recently. 

    Nucleaoapes are psychotic bastards. Moscow has atmospheric radiation alerts every day. 

    Instead of closing, old beatup reactors in Belgium, the govt, there simply opted to pass out more iodine tablets. As if that will do any good. From 1944 to 1980 the unitied states government detonated over 900 open air nuclear bombs, showering their citizens with radionuclide fallout. My hs chemistry teacher said, eevery time a bomb was detonated, 200,000 people around the world got leukemia and cancer. The US also detonayed nundreds of bombs underground in the US and nevada, irradaiting, rivers, and watertables in those areas forever.

    The hanta virus that infected the navajo nation in the 80s and 90s, and now the United states is part of the psychopathy of our military and government. The military was launching bioweapon payloads, with weaponized hanta virus, from the korean conflict over the Navajo Nation.
    This was done in the 1960s upto the 1970s. The stablilty of live hanta virus, and live virus delivery systems, was tested this way. The payloads were launched from Green River Utah to Whitesands New Mexico. Some of the missles crashed releasing Hanta virus into the wilds. Field mice were infected. The dried feces of the infected rodents, became the vector for the virus.
    There was an outbreak of Hantavirus in the 1990s, that killed, a young Navajo couple in the 90s.
    I know it is true, from soldiers, because of my profession as a scientist and clinician, and from documents available on the internet. Just Google hanta virus.
    Now, field mice all over the United States are infected with Hanta Virus, and there have been multiple deaths, from inhaling the virus, from the dried feces of wild rodents, all over the United States. Does anyone think the trump and his gaggle of psychopaths care about things like this? Think again. Trump has not mentioned Fukushima once. He is allowing radioactive food, to come into the US. He wants to start nuclear bomb detonations in Nevada again. He has started Uranium mining on sacred land again. He has not closed coastal nuk reactors, spite of a massive increase of catastrophic storms in America. Trump is allowing unregulated, unmonitored, huge crappily constructed , shallow grave nuclear waste dumps to be built all over the us by foreign contractors! More crappy, radionuclide waste dumps to poison out watertables and aquifers to an unprecedented degree!  More unregulated fracking, which furyher massively poison our water supplies, with radionuclides. And there is no way to tell it! That is since trump stacked the govt with, psychotic monsters, like Pruitt,  Zinke, to deregulate and hide the, massive radionuclide poisoning, of our children and country!

