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Friday, September 28, 2018

Just before the split

"There can be no argument that in Nichiren Shoshu, the original foundation of faith is the Face to Face Bestowal, from Golden Mouth to Golden Mouth, of the Living Essence of the Law upon the successive generations of High Priests. We believe that the actions of the members of the Shoshinkai who, under the circumstances, quite simply denied the foundation of Nichiren Shoshu, the inheritance of the Living Essence of the Law by the High Priest, and moreover, very graciously instigated legal proceedings against the High Priest, are not only the height of insanity, but are also nothing more than the actions of people possessed by evil demons, for which they must be most severely censured as human beings." -- SGI President Einosuke Akiya, December 13, 1990

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