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Sunday, October 7, 2018

They will join the discarded Gohonzons in hell

Question:Who authorized the Nichiren Shoshu "Gohonzons" which were distributed to more than 600,000 Americans and how many remain?
Answer:The Nichiren Shoshu authorized them. Seven thousand or eight thousand remain. 
Question: Where are they now? 
Answer: They are in Gohonzon "hell". 
Question:Who has been spewing crap about the worthlessness of the 128 extant Nichiren Gohonzons? 
Answer:The "Nichiren" Shoshu and Soka Gakkai. They will join their discarded "Gohonzons" in hell.

The Nichiren Shoshu blames the Gakkai for everything and visa versa. Who printed up those 600,000+ discarded Gohonzons that the SGI freely distributed? The Nichiren Shoshu. What really irks me is their hypocrisy. SGI and Nichiren Shoshu criticize us for disrespecting Gohonzon, merely for putting pictures of Gohonzon on the web [virtual Gohonzon] but they treat "real" Gohonzons like dirt. They are hypocrites and we won't let them get away with their lies and deceit. The fact is that the other Nichiren sects respect Gohonzon far more than the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu. More than 90% of Gohonzon bestowed by us are protected and enshrined, not thrown into the garbage or rolled up in sock draws.


  1. Gohonzons issued before the excommunication are signed by the Head Priest. Gohonzons issued by SGI DO NOT have the mark of the Head Priest and are considered counterfeit by Nichiren Shoshu. The power of the practice, Daimoku, Gohonzon, etc. are all based in the spirit of “Ketchimyoku” “The life blood of the transmission of the Law” not objects.

  2. You can take the bogus Nichiren Shoshu Patriarchal transmission of "the Golden Mouth Ones"and shove it where the sun don't shine. Here is the authentic Transmission of Nichiren:

    1. Harman..... not only the teacher for the latter day, nichiren, but also the eternal teacher of the lotus sutra , the original buddha, shayamuni.

      why is it that one can't find a shoshu cult member or and sgi member who knows anything about what nichiren transferred for the latter day(mappo)? just like trump...u can say anything u want but u cannot back it up with facts or proof. sgi/nst is the cause for trump in this world. harman, shame on u !
